Session authentication not saving in cookies
My workflow : I 'm leveraging basic authentication with Xano as my backend , having users login with email & password , then setting session cookies to the access token , and calling another API to get user information based on the authenticated user 's token . The problem : Everything was working properly until I migrated the 'Get User ' API to the new UI , and now my bearer tokens don 't seem to be saving (I 'm unable to authenticate the user on the new page I redirect to ) . I can still see the access token saving when I call the login API (see screenshot ) , and I 've downloaded the browser extension . Any tips on troubleshooting ? Thank you ! ! - @speedy.lizard
How do I know if it 's proxied ? Still learning ! I don 't know if it 's necessary , but it would be worth setting the expiry when setting the session cookie . I think 86400 is the default for Xano when creating an auth token unless you set it to something different . iirc , you have to set the session cookie expiry for Xano - it 's only Supabase that you don 't need to set it for . That 's a vague distant memory of a question asked before so might have changed . It also has to be a number and you 're showing an empty string displayed . As Stockton and Lucas mentioned , navigate to the 'Advanced ' tab and see if 'Proxy request ' is disabled /enabled . Also , are you logging in via Preview first before refreshing the editor ? You will need to do this (as well as have the extension installed ) to be authenticated in the editor . You probably already know this but just double -checking . Can you also confirm what response you 're getting back from the API ? It would be good to see the result . I 'm using Xano for auth and other things , so might be able to provide some pointers . π It is proxied ! Attaching a screenshot of the advanced tab . I 've also explicitly set the expiry to 86400 , and I 'm logging in via Preview before refreshing the editor , which does seem to give me access to the cookies from the same page , but not from the other pages in my app besides the login page . I 'm getting an error 401 (invalid token ) . Thank you both so much for the help ! ! Do you see anything in the cookie panel in the editor ? In trying to record my workflow to share here , I discovered that I hadn 't proxied the API across all my pages ! It wasn 't proxied on the main one I was testing from , so toggling that to enabled fixed my issue ! π Is that something you always need to do with Xano now ? π1