My app uses Supabase for auth and database. And the moment I log into it on the frontend it just becomes laggy, particularly on the input fields.
When not logged in, it behaves normally.
I am not loading a lot of data, 1 row from Table A and about 50ish rows from Table B, no images in either table's column and less than 50kb in total. As far as I can tell from the Network tab in the inspector, there are no unnecessary calls to the API. I only see them pop-up when they should, so I don't think I inadvertently created some call API loop.
The above behavior (laggy when logged in, normal when not logged in) is the same across different devices and browsers:
1. MacOS (Safari/Firefox)
2. iOS (Safari)
The fact that it occurs when logged in indicates that it has something to do with Supabase or how I've its API set up, but I can't find it.
Does anyone have any idea of where I should look to find the cause?