Help with setting up magic link sign-up (Supabase)

  • tomthebigtree-1279751593973121054

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    Hey, toddle community. I'm currently working on setting up magic link auth via Supabase using the API but struggling to set the session cookies.

    Obviously, until you use the magic link, you're not authenticated, so I need a way of setting the session cookie before I redirect the user to the homepage. The URL contains the access token, so am I retrieving it from there?

    I have the hacky auth check in a component on the homepage to ensure that if the user is not authenticated then they're redirected to the login page but I'm not sure when (and the best way) to grab the access token. When using email and password, you're setting it as soon as you do the login API call but that's not the case for magic link.
  • lucasg-1279826497464565916

    Lucas G

    6 months ago

    It’s similar to setting it off of the URL when doing a password recovery.
  • You parse the URL and set it from that
  • building_stuff-1279833915573670001


    6 months ago

    I can send you a screenshot of my hacky method later, but basically what I’m doing is: Login page sends magic link and on the same page I’m doing a on page load action to check it an access token is present in the url. If yes, then I set the session cookies and the user is redirected to the app. Not sure if it’s best practice but it seems to work fine πŸ™‚
  • You can trace the magic link to see the structure of the access token, then build your formula around it and in the end replacing the magic link string parser with current url
  • tomthebigtree-1279840439758753814

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    Ah, okay. Never done anything with password recovery. I think Erik maybe did something at some point re auth and covered recovery. How do you do get a hold of the URL in the editor though? I'm pasting my magic link in the browser.
  • tomthebigtree-1279840652745510963

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    That would be ace, @Janis - thanks. πŸ™‚
  • lucasg-1279841002198405120

    Lucas G

    6 months ago

    Paste that link in a string as test data for your formula
  • I’m post a screenshot later if need
  • tomthebigtree-1279841301902262282

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Oh my god, of course. Good shout. πŸ˜„
  • building_stuff-1279892556976492574


    6 months ago

    @Tom Ireland Here's my setup - most likely not the best setup, but like I said it works πŸ˜„
  • Hope it helps a bit πŸ™‚
  • tomthebigtree-1280091241656352820

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    Thanks! I did my own version of what you and Lucas mentioned. The link in the email redirects to confirm-token in toddle and the token hash is included via query params, so easy to check that it exists and then set the session cookie with the value without too much effort. I'm doing my confirmation on a separate page (a bit like how toddle does it) to ensure that everything gets set and handle errors. Thanks, folks!
  • tomthebigtree-1280122149339795489

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    Okay, made some progress but hit a weird snag. I'm doing an auth check on my sidebar component to check if a user is logged in and redirect to the login page if not true. When checking the auth check API call, I see the following:

    {"code":"PGRST301","details":null,"hint":null,"message":"JWSError (CompactDecodeError Invalid number of parts: Expected 3 parts; got 1)"}

    I am definitely getting the token hash and setting the session cookie with that but it looks way smaller than what you'd normally get set. Any ideas or did you run into this at any point?
  • building_stuff-1280136370983145493


    6 months ago

    Hmm I did not encounter this error so far, however, I am doing the auth check in an auth-wrapper component that has my sidenav and main content as children. not sure if that helps though
  • tomthebigtree-1280138169819463710

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    I figured out the issue, @Janis . I was testing two links in my email. I need the confirmation URL to do the token verification, which returns the hash. Now just to figure out how to handle the redirect depending on the branch I'm on...
  • tomthebigtree-1280145621331738695

    Tom Ireland

    6 months ago

    Magic! I've now got this working and it works with branches as well.
  • building_stuff-1280150433775620228


    6 months ago

  • Tod-1280150435922968576


    6 months ago

    Great energy @Janis! Your continuous contribution to the toddle Community just made you advance to Community Level 6!

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