Font size increases when rotating my phone but doesn´t decrease after rotating it again.
1 month ago
Oct 18, 2024, 2:32 PM
Hi, The font size increases when I rotate my phone (from portrait to landscape mode) but doesn´t decrease when rotate it again (landscape to portrait). This doesn´t happen on all text elements tho. I already tried to create a new page using the same component but the issue doesn´t seem to appear there?! Also it´s working fine on some other components. I don´t know what causes this and it´s already driving me nuts lol. Is it because of a parent div? Thanks a lot
1 month ago
Oct 18, 2024, 3:20 PM
update: changing my parent div from 'fixed' to 'absolute' or relative changed it. However this isn´t a good solution for me..I really need my div to be fixed.
Lucas G
1 month ago
Oct 18, 2024, 3:24 PM
Can you share the page? How did you set up your font sizes that it’s changing like that
When you try it out on your phone you can see that the calculations component with the blue background changes back to the normal size while the one that is embedded in the other component "bottomsheet" doesn´t.
1 month ago
Oct 18, 2024, 3:40 PM
I don´t really have "a system" when setting up font sizes. I sometimes use them on parent divs, sometimes directly on the span..
I´ve also tried setting a font size on the first element on the page but that didn´t change anything for me
Lucas G
1 month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 1:25 PM
If this is on iOS, then it might be a browser thing. Mobile safari has had issues with fixed elements resizing
Sometimes some things don’t update correctly depending on set up
You could try specifying the font size for different media queries or adding some extra CSS so transitions update properly