Unleash the spectrum with an advanced color picker
A wealth of color, explore the full spectrum of color profiles, and learn how our advanced color picker component can transform your creative projects.
Vakis Rigas
June 11, 2024
HTML, where you enter the names of colors like Red, Tomato, or Crimson from the wheel above. -
HEX, where you use codes made of numbers and letters like #FFFFFF for white or #000000 for black. The codes tell the computer how much red, green, and blue it should mix. -
HSL(A), where you pick a color with three numbers. One is for the type of color (hue), another is to determine if you want a bright or dull color(Saturation), and a third is to choose how light or dark you want the color (lightness). This also supports an alpha channel that helps you choose the opacity.
Named HTML colors.
Hex: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HSLA: 0, 0%, 0%, 1
OKLCH: 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
HSLA: 0, 0%, 100%, 1
OKLCH: 100, 0, 0
Hex: #800000
RGB: 128, 0, 0
HSLA: 0, 100%, 25%, 1
OKLCH: 25, 48, 40
Hex colors.
A hex color code is typically written as #RRGGBB , where RR , GG , and BB are two-digit hexadecimal numbers. -
Each pair of digits represents the intensity of the red, green, and blue channels.
HSL(A) colors.
Hue (H): -
Saturation (S): -
Lightness (L):
Play with CSS.
Try it for yourself.
The toddle color picker.
Panel - The panel that opens when you choose a color. -
Shade picker - Chooses the shade of color -
Hue picker - Chooses the color -
Transparency slider - Controls the color's opacity. -
Tooltip - Controls the eyedropper to select a color -
Text input - Allow hex code inputs to choose a hex color -
Number input - To allow entries that control the HSLA inputs. -
Popover menu - Opens the input box to type in your color values -
Color picker - Shows the color picked once it’s selected
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