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  • banks7191-1297730238624825364



    3 months ago

    firebase + toddle combo
    Just curious. Has anyone connected firebase with toddle here.
    Would love to do that as an exercise but the fb doc isnt explicitly clear
  • carterux-1297569684199313528

    Seun Orofin


    3 months ago

    How can i set like a loader while the image is still trying to render on the feeds.
  • lucvs6078-1297508593075097600



    3 months ago

    Best practice to build a survey
    Hey guys,

    If you were to build a survey in toddle, with a lot of questions, conditional logic, and answers being saved in local/session storage which approach would you use and why?

    A) One page, with each question in separate divs, hide the div of every question whenever user goes to next question

    B) A lot of pages, separate page for each question, when a question is answered user gets redirected to next page
  • carterux-1297298227791397004

    Seun Orofin


    3 months ago

    How can i stop the effect of zooming in when a user taps on an input field on mobile view (ios)
    I attached a screen recording
  • needtheanswers-1297177074179637329



    3 months ago

    Intersection observer: change nav link color when section is in viewport
    I want the my nav links to change when a specific section is in the viewport. It should work like in the video attached (built in webflow, don´t mind the ui lol) How can I achieve this?
    I tried to use @Jacob Kofoed´s intersection observer package and also the some code from Claude that I put in a custom action. However I wasn´t able to make this work. Has anyone built something similar or could point me in the right direction?

    Thanks a lot
  • uunicode-1297145370786402357



    3 months ago

    Get from Session Storage is working to you?
    I want to get the refresh_token from session storage but it isn't working to me. Is working in your case?

    Thank you!
  • fuck_jayoh-1297116410354335766



    3 months ago

    Issue with Updating a Request (PATCH) in Xano – “Value is not a valid integer”
    Hi everyone,

    I’m working on a project and having trouble with updating a request using a PATCH endpoint in Xano. Here’s the situation:

    - I’m using a PATCH endpoint in Xano to update a request (task).

    - The request_id is passed as an integer from Toddle to identify the task that needs to be updated.

    - Despite passing request_id as an number in Toddle, I’m receiving the following error from Xano:
    ERROR_CODE_INPUT_ERROR: “Value is not a valid integer, related to the request_id.

    What I’ve tried:

    - I’ve even converted the variable (taskID) with the number formula to make sure is an integer in Toddle before sending it to Xano.

    - I’ve ensured that the request_id field in Xano is set to integer.

    Do hyou have any suggestion ?

    Thanks in advance for any help or insights!
  • rakidawood-1297046839434022922



    3 months ago

    Patch request issue
    Hey everyone, I am creating an inventory management system and I cannot use the patch request in xano to change the image from toddle. I have tried changing the header content type from appication/json to multipart/form-data but it says "Unable to locate request" in toddle api window. How can I fix this? In Xano this works perfectly but it seems like patch request doesnt accept multipart/form-data
  • lucvs6078-1296990210990674043



    3 months ago

    Injecting API response into jS script
    Hi there,

    I'm setting up a payment integration for our app, which requires API responses from a backend SDK we have hosted on AWS lambda.

    Upon a button click, I've tried to set the API responses as variables, and piece the variables together by concatenating the varibles with pieces of the script, and then injecting it into a script tag.

    For some reason this flow doesn't work, but when I just insert the scripts manually with the API responses they do work, thus I'm led to believe I'm doing something wrong in terms of injecting the API response into my jS function.

    Any ideas?
  • needtheanswers-1296843386929549353



    3 months ago

    Font size increases when rotating my phone but doesn´t decrease after rotating it again.

    The font size increases when I rotate my phone (from portrait to landscape mode) but doesn´t decrease when rotate it again (landscape to portrait).
    This doesn´t happen on all text elements tho. I already tried to create a new page using the same component but the issue doesn´t seem to appear there?! Also it´s working fine on some other components.
    I don´t know what causes this and it´s already driving me nuts lol. Is it because of a parent div?

    Thanks a lot
  • henk_08753-1296761320078577744



    3 months ago

    Added font to default theme, but doesn't render correctly!
    Hi, I did some searching and the answers I stumble on seems mixed. Google Fonts are not supported (yet), and can be imported via CSS. But in the default theme pannel, I can add Poppins (a Google Font I want to use). The font example renders correctly, I can select it in the font dropdown, but the result does not render correctly, see image.

    Am I trying to do something that is not possible and should I resort to the CSS solution instead?
  • jinyuqilin1-1296740159374753873



    3 months ago

    404 Not found when embed the toddle app in wordpress
    Hi , I have create a widget to embed in wordpress. However, the api request is returning 404 not found in the network inspector on the wordpress site. I have confirmed the CORS is enabled in the wordpress site. Please help. Thanks!
  • petershaw99-1296440873768452147



    3 months ago

    Which node to use to show values not boolean
    I am creating a variable and I want the output to display the values but instead it shows true. Which node can I use to show the values?
  • petershaw99-1296395671041216512



    3 months ago

    repeated item not displayed in editor
    I want to repeat an item but it is not displayed in the editor. It is displayed when I open a new tab.

    I use RLS on my supabase table, I installed the extension, I pass the access token.

    Is there a way to make sure to act as a logged in user in the editor? THe way it worked before was to open a new tab, log in and then go back to the editor. But somehow that does not work.
  • dimble0534_39337-1296218523047301210



    3 months ago

    API help on my first day
    Hi all! My very first look at Toddle today, I am trying to add an api, it is one that i have used before and trying to test by just sending a basic json request in the body. But i keep getting an Invalid JSON error.
    It is set up as POST, and the endpoint is correct, i just put the raw json as a string in the body to see if i get the right response. The same test works fine in Postman, returning the expected response. Is there something different about the way Toddle sends json post requests?

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