redirecting apex domain to www
So , my understanding is that Cloudflare , and hence toddle , do not support apex domains . The workaround is to setup a redirect from your apex domain to the www domain . However , it appears that the DNS I 'm using , Google Cloud DNS , does not support URL forwarding . And the registrar I 'm using , porkbun , only offers URL forwarding if you 're using their nameservers . My conclusion is that I must either (a ) change my DNS provider to one that supports URL forwarding , or (b ) use a redirect service like redirect .pizza . Does that sound right ? Some people cannot though for wathever reason This is specifically if your domain is hosted with Cloudflare Otherwise , you can use your apex domain as long as your registrar supports CNAME flattening which I believe someone else said porkbun does I started using porkbuns DNS because it just worked with toddle Oh that 's interesting , the apex domain is working now lol it wasn 't before but maybe it took some time to propagate . i did set up url forwarding in porkbun , but there was a giant red warning message saying this functionality wasn 't supported unless i use their nameservers . Either way , porkbun sounds like a good registrar anyways Or set up the redirect in google dns main to www i 'll probably just move everything to porkbun when i get home later tonight