Bluesky ...
Wed, Dec 11, 10:49 PM

To do tutorials and Xano api

  • mesmoiron

    1 month ago


    I am trying to get two tutorials about making a todo app work together. The button that toggles the completed task works and writes to the Xano backend. However the strike through doesn't work anymore. Another issue is that the new state isn't reflected immediately. I have to refresh the page manually. I also added an selected-todo to the list item, because, If I don't klick a button the api won't get an task id.

    What I would like to know is, how to tell Toddle that the page or the selected item should be refreshed if this is possible. If I think correctly, then after calling update, I should call the list items again. But that is on another element, because the input determines the completed state not the listing of the repeated item.
  • Lucas G

    1 month ago

    I think the best approach is to handle the todo list via variable(s) and update the database in the background
  • That way everything is up to date and you don't ahve to fetch the API every time
  • Otherwise, simply fetch the API again after an update happens then you don't have to refresh the page

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