[SOLVED] Supabase: Prevent non-registered users from using Magic Link Login
I am using the /auth /v1 /magiclink endpoint to allow users to login . However , the endpoint also allows non -registered users to create an account via the login route . I tried adding a shouldCreateUser attribute to the body object but that does not work . Does anyone have an idea how to restrict usage of the login endpoint to only registered users ? Gifted to me from the Supabase community : https://github.com/supabase/auth?tab=readme-ov-file#post-otp @Tom Ireland Thank you so much for your help , that worked ! I tried the otp path before but used the wrong key in the body . Ahh - that 's really an annoying part of Supabase that sometimes the correct answer is hidden somewhere on Github . But thank you so much - seems like you have a bit of a story there 😉 [SOLVED ] Supabase : Prevent non -registered users from using Magic Link Login