Issue with receiving authToken in Toddle
I 'm having an issue with integrating Toddle and Xano for a signup page . The API works fine , and when I make a POST request directly via cURL or Postman , I receive the authToken in the response as expected . However , when I trigger the same request through a button in Toddle , I ’m not receiving the authToken in the response under data . I ’ve checked the API call (URL , POST method , headers , and body ) , and everything is configured correctly . I also verified that the JSON response from Xano includes the authToken . If anyone has suggestions on what might be causing this or how to properly capture the response in Toddle , I 'd appreciate the help ! ✅1One thing I usually do when I encounter issues like this is , is to inspect the request on the Xano side . It helps me to see what Xano received as inputs in the API call . Can you share a screenshot of a specific request from the request history as in the screenshots . thats why i tried with postman and debug with xano i did it but like you see the last request is at 8 :40 and now its 15 So your request history says that the name is blank and the email is blank . So although your request is hitting your endpoint , Xano is responding with a "Bad Request " because it says missing parameters (I suspect name and email ) . I can 't see where in your API set up are you passing the name , email , and password in the request . Can you scroll down to the body of the API set up in Toddle like in this image Okay . Can you make a request and immediately after that open up the Body in the formula editor . It should show the name email and password filled out (your screenshot shows them empty ) . Also expand the output node . They should have values if your variable setup is correct . Like in this image . empty So your API setup looks fine to me . The next thing to check if the Name , Email , and Password variables are being set correctly . Can you share a screenshot of the input fields in your Toddle app where your variables are being set and how you are setting these values from the input field it s public The public app you shared works for me 🙂 and for me now thak you a lot sean and max I 'm curious to know this too . Does this matter ? I mean eventually , the Submit button calls the signup API call which has the params as expected - - so shouldn 't that trigger the API anyway or is that because there 's a Prevent default and so the button wouldn 't do what its meant to do and rely on the form 's submit event - - is that it ?