Issue with Updating a Request (PATCH) in Xano – “Value is not a valid integer”
1 month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 8:37 AM
Hi everyone, I’m working on a project and having trouble with updating a request using a PATCH endpoint in Xano. Here’s the situation: Context: - I’m using a PATCH endpoint in Xano to update a request (task). - The request_id is passed as an integer from Toddle to identify the task that needs to be updated. - Despite passing request_id as an number in Toddle, I’m receiving the following error from Xano: ERROR_CODE_INPUT_ERROR: “Value is not a valid integer”, related to the request_id. What I’ve tried: - I’ve even converted the variable (taskID) with the number formula to make sure is an integer in Toddle before sending it to Xano. - I’ve ensured that the request_id field in Xano is set to integer. Do hyou have any suggestion ? Thanks in advance for any help or insights!
1 month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 12:40 PM
do you send everything in the body?
1 month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 12:42 PM
I would try to send the requests_id in the header in the Queries and see if that works
1 month ago
Oct 22, 2024, 6:10 PM
Try checking the call sent to Xano using the request history. Does it show the inputs as a number?