I know how to accomplish this in raw HTML/CSS, but I'm having a hard time implementing it in toddle. I would like to change the CSS styling (width) of a child element when a user hovers over the parent element. The screenshot and video is what I have in CSS that I am attempting to replicate in toddle. In CSS I can create a style indicating both an element's ID sudo class and another ID of the element that should be impacted and the correct style will be applied through the specificity of the selection.
I cannot seem to accomplish this in toddle as all of the CSS is very localized to an individual element. I cannot (as far as I know) have a CSS rule that only applies to an element which has two IDs similarly to what I have the the CSS example. The closest I came was binding a variable to a style and using a mouseover event to update the width. This, however, changed the width for all elements in the repeating group which was not the intended effect. I only want to change the style of the item being hovered.
Appreciate the insight! I have a suspicion there is an easy solution here I've just not wrapped my head around.