API URL changes automatically
Hello . I 'm having some problems sending a REST API request . In terms of authentication , the API works as follows : GET URL : https://{api_key}:{api_secret}@{cluster_url}/{shop_language}/{resource}.json If I enter these values and put them in toddle 's URL box . Then it automatically removes the values before @ . So example (fake data ) with this request : https://e80d99sfgsf8adfadfadcb7sfg409a:ea624fc02226adfadf22222c1c032f09a@api.webshopapp.com/de/checkouts/123455.json the request is eventually made to https://api.webshopapp.com/de/checkouts/123455.json I don 't know if I 'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug . I also tried encoding the url , but this too was unsuccessful . I suspect it has something to do with the @ sign for api .webshopapp .com Docs on the Authorization header can be found [here ] ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Authorization#basic_authentication ) An example of a formula for that header could look like following (user /pass base64 encoded ) Hey again . I havent had success in properly recreating but I suspect its because the urls you provided are not the right ones . π But I did notice that it seems like our proxy does support the pattern but that when pasting the url it parses the credentials away . Could you try to add the credentials manually after . So once the API is created you just paste the [api _key ] : [api _secret ] into the url field in the api ? And make sure "proxy request " is enabled in the Advanced tab . It should stay there that time and passed correctly to our proxy (although it doesnt appear to from the response ) . Does that work ? π€