API Data shows only in Toddle
Hey everyone ! I ’ve connected one API endpoint without any input , and it ’s displaying correctly both in the Builder and on the branch site in Chrome . However , the API endpoint where I provide an item _id to retrieve only objects matching that item _id is behaving differently . It shows everything as expected in the Builder but doesn ’t display anything on the branch site in Chrome . I hope this explanation makes sense ! Any ideas on what might be causing this ? 😭1In Scources there is only one API endpoint (it should be 2 I use 1 endpoint for the businesses and one for their services , I give the businessid as an input in xano ) Also in the Network -tab no signs of the service api And the console is empty (also when I refresh with the Info -Window open ) Popular services make me think that there are some conditions set in test mode (maybe dependent on a specific user ID that has certain data ) , and in the live environment , the user is different or the conditions are not the same as in test mode . As for the API system , everything is working fine ; I do not have any issues with the API system . On the feed page , I list businesses using the Businesses API endpoint . Each business is displayed on a card , and the card has a link . That link includes the current business index (from the API ) in the URL . When you click the link , it opens the business page . On that page , I use the Services API to fetch the services for the business . Here 's the tricky part : since my services table starts indexing at 1 (not 0 like the Businesses API ) , I add +1 to the business index before passing it to the Services API . So , I ’m basically saying : For business index 0 → fetch services with index 1 , For business index 1 → fetch services with index 2 , and so on . I know this isn ’t great because if a business or service gets deleted , the indices won ’t match anymore , and everything breaks . 😅 But it was just a quick way to test the setup . In the future , I ’ll switch to using a unique identifier (like business ID ) instead of the index so it ’s more stable and doesn ’t depend on the order . Let me know if you spot something else I should fix ! this are the headers for the services api (above ) gives me 0 and in toddle the services vansih Please do one more thing , in businesses success , call the services but in toddle it works fine - @unicodes
and switch off autofetch on services did * thanks for that advice already seems logic can you please console log just that value ? here , most probably it doesn 't get 1 on chrome , but for some sistuation on test mode it gets 1 . screen also how you get that value "1 " . as you are saying it gets null i switchet to string instead of number it gets 1 I know not good but was for tetsing porpuse only I checked manually the forst business is 0 an the services start at 1 sorry the businesses start at 1 and the index at 0 soory sorry it work swith manually inputet data but as an integer and string I will be back in an hour I have to go to a metting , Thank you already for your time ! ! appreciate it ❤️1"in Chrome " but why did it work in Toddle without changing it to an Integer ?