The toddle Blog

Happy Backend Appreciation Month 🎉

Whether you’re a Supabase fan, love Xano, or any other backend for reasons known to you. We can all agree that a front-end matters little without a back-end.

Happy Backend Appreciation Month 🎉
Vakis Rigas

Vakis Rigas

November 5, 2024

There’s much debate about the best backend, but we can all agree they're wonderful. Toddle does not care if you use Directus or Airtable as your backend, but we care about user experience. The API panel is the gateway to your backend and a core part of web development; it has to be the best experience possible. 

Today, the toddle API connector gets a massive upgrade. It’s packed with many new features that will take your apps to the next level. 

Watch Andreas speak a bit about it here:

You now get cool features like:

  • Inputs (Request, send, filter data, control actions, and authenticate access.)

  • Redirect rules (Avoid flashing during failed operations like a login.)

  • Performance metrics (See how many milliseconds it took for the request.)

  • Swagger support (Enable interactive API docs, testing, and code generation.)

  • Native support for request streaming. (Stream your AI-generated content directly to your app.)

  • And much, much more.

We introduced so many new features that it will take a month to show them all, so we’d like to introduce “Backend Appreciation Month,” or, as the cool kids call it, BAM! 

Explore the more popular backends with BAM!

We’ll spend time with our favorites throughout November and show you how to build cool apps with the new API features. 

Join the live streams with:

We look forward to a fun month of exploration and can’t wait to see you there.

Build and win a Mac Mini (M4)

We want to see what you can do with the upgraded API connector. We partnered with Xano to offer a reward for the best app built in November, including a Xano backend. 

Build a creative, fun, impressive, or unique app that connects to a Xano backend and uses streaming, and you’ll enter to win a Mac Mini (M4).

Submit your app here to compete.

Let the festivities begin. Happy BAM!