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- How to send xano user id through toddle
1 8 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 21:54
Hello ! I 've created some DBs in Xano and their respective endpoints . I would like to show the content based on the authenticated user ID . I made the custom query in Xano , but I don 't know which header I need to send and with which information to have access granted . I 've tried with the authToken , but it didn 't work . It keeps giving access _denied . - SSL on but still shows as 'not secure'
8 8 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 21:40
Hi all . I just hooked up my first custom domain for a small (quick and dirty ) site that I am prototyping (www .ggrx .io ) and the SSL does not seem to be working quite right . The CNAME is going to the right place , as is the main domain redirect to www . . . but still I get the attached certificate detail . - anyone know how to use intersection observer in a component in a custom event
Leon Marseglia
33 8 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 21:24
anyone know how to use intersection observer in a component in a custom event and then getting the event to output and update a variable ? I 'm trying to update a variable when this is triggered but i don 't see how i can update the variable as i would need an event on something to then be able to get the response right ? - Having issues with WebContainer iframe CSP in Toddle
0 9 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 20:20
I 'm implementing WebContainers .io in my Toddle app and encountering CSP -related issues . I have a Cloudflare Worker that sets the required security headers , which works in other environments but not in Toddle . Error messages indicate CSP blocks : - Inline scripts (needs 'unsafe -inline ' or hash ) - External scripts from WebContainer domains - Default -src is set to 'none ' Is this a Toddle -specific limitation ? Are there any known workarounds for using WebContainer within Toddle 's environment ? - Counter error
✅112 10 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 19:49
Hi everyone just trying out toddle here , How do I make the counter increase on each button click , what am i doing wrong here , - Supabase authorization with services
8 13 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 16:28
Can you use the new Services feature to do Supabase authentication APIs ? When I connect my Supabase to the project and look at the list of endpoints I see them for the tables I create , but not for authentication like you do with Xano . - Login/auth/me not working in toddle when adding "NOW" as a date in the Body
2 18 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 12:00
I am trying to amend the login so it records the last date a user was logged in . The login works and has worked for a while now - following the tutorial on Xano *Toddle from YT . I updated the auth /login in Xano so it accepts a date , and it works perfectly in Xano . In addition to returning the auth token , it patches the user record with the current date . However in toddle , the reponse is odd : when I click on the ' ▷ ' sign in the API editor when including NOW in the body as 'login _time ' , nothing happens . The API call is logged in Xano as successful and is showing an auth token in Xano . But in toddle it does not show up . It changes from Loading : false to Loading : true and back for 1 second . Within this time , the auth token shows up in the editor in toddle but vanishes again (more like flickering than actually showing up ) . This new login also does not work in preview . To debug , I copied the login API call in toddle and removed the login time again from the body . This still works and returns the auth token . Am I overlooking something with the 'Now ' formula that affects this ? Can 't post many pictures as it is all auth related , but thus is the part of the formula I use for the datetime . - Domain Setup
Lee Russel
1 21 hours ago
21 Feb 2025, 09:01
Hi I am trying to set up a custom domain with an A record . We seem to have got so far but now NameCheap is wanting us to set up SSL . We are utterly confused by what it is asking for and I am wondering if Toddle handles SSL for us and we need to just delete this option from hosting ? This is a screenshot of the help they have : Please advise ! - What is wrong with equals?
20 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 16:32
I 'm expecting to get false not the first value . Converted to number and doesn 't change anything . - Best solution for allowing profile pics?
17 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 16:23
I 'd like the user to be able to upload a profile pic . Other threads have mentioned headless CRM solutions , but that seems like overkill . The AI has a few different suggestions for storing images , but I 'm not certain which is best for that use case . What would you recommend as a simple way of allowing user profile pics ? - do page redirects dont work on embed success event?
2 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 14:14
do page redirects dont work on event inside a component which is being used like an embed - Toddle formula "Branch Name" isn't evaluated server side
Edwin Paul
7 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 13:28
I want some components only to be visible in preview sites . - Setting up a reverse-proxy integration with Weglot
0 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 10:05
Hi , I 'm trying to setup Weglot using subdirectories integration . I 'm working with the Weglot team but stuck on a redirect loop . They ask me to pass this to Toddle team . On your side , would it be possible to reach out to Toddle 's support for more information regarding setting up a reverse -proxy integration , as described in our documentation ? You can provide them with these articles from our documentation — > — > [How do I set up my DNS ? ] ( ) They might provide insight regarding the feasability of the subdirectories integration . - Does replace all supports removing between?
0 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 09:12
I tried many popular ways to remove between in the replace all it self but nothing is working . Does replace all supports it ? I did a custom function for this in js code , but if replace can handle this then I would prefer to use it . Thank you ! - Unexpected response when double-clicking on elements
Raphael Walters
7 1 day ago
20 Feb 2025, 08:46
Hey Everyone ! For the past few days , I have experienced an inconsistent issue with double -clicking elements in an HTML tree , where some elements open reliably while others require multiple attempts or a combination of single and double clicks to respond . I have tried different clicking speeds and even replaced my mouse with a new one , but the problem persists . Is this specific to my setup , or something others are experiencing ? In the video below , I show the erratic behaviour , with a pronounced example at around the 1 :30 min mark . Would love to hear your thoughts .