Help forum
- Table hidden on scroll...
6 26 days ago
20 Dec 2024, 09:23
what am I doing wrong here ? ? ? on scroll , the far right columns dissappear - Referencing a variable in a formula breaks after triggering a formula that appends to that variable
7 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 22:38
If you see the screenshot workoutData at the top of the image is "undefined " and upon refresh it is defined again . Whenever I append to a variable , does there need be a refresh that needs to take place before the event can happen again ? Not sure if im explaining this correctly , any help is appreciated ! - Export theme colour variables from package?
0 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 22:36
Hello folks , I 've built a package with 1 exported component . In the package itself , I 've defined a bunch of colours in the (Default ) theme . How can I make those colour variables visible in anything I wrap in that component ? I 've read the documentation and I know I can export components , custom formulas , and custom actions . I 'm now (laboriously ) testing to see how I can use custom formulas to make them visible , but any help or suggestions will speed up the process , thanks ! - Supabase returns 201 but no row is created
9 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 21:26
Super weird situation that got me stuck . I want to insert a new supabase row and it returns a 201 (see pic ) . Also in the logs it shows that they were successful . The table has RLS disabled . However , no new row has been created in the table (as confirmed also by SQL queries ) . I have tried every possible configuration in the Toddle API but could not make it work . When I run the SQL in the Supabase dashboard it works though . any idea why this happens ? thanks - How do I subscribe to Supabase websocket and get latest data.
0 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 18:25
I want to fetch some data that is being added to supabase using websocket connection and display the same in the UI . Right now , I am making too many API calls and that 's affecting the performance on my supabase db , Please suggest me how to get the websocket connection working in toddle .dev . - Help modals keep showing up
9 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 17:07
Love the new help modals /tutorials but for some reason they keep showing up . Any way to prevent that ? - How to edit value of nested object
7 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 15:28
Hello guys , I have a "data " variable which groups together several objects . I would like , for example , to modify the quantity of the variant items [1 ] . I suspect that I should use the Set & get function but I cannot directly reach the right data . Can someone help me ? Thanks guys ! - Approaches to server side form validation - toddle x Supabase
Tom Ireland
27 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 14:05
Hey , folks . Has anyone got any tips /tricks on how best to handle form validation server side when using toddle x Supabase ? Is the answer to use Supabase Edge functions or CloudFlare Workers for this ? Table constraints and RLS policy checks will only get you so far and I 'm conscious of ensuring forms are properly validated , while reducing as much repetition fron end and server -side as possible . - Updating a list variable
0 26 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 12:50
I am using the upload to set a variable called files . I set the file variable as event _target _value - > get files - > entries (see pic ) . This works fine . now , the second time I upload , I want to add the new files to the existing files variable list , and not start the list from empty . So , I use "array " where first parameter is "files " and the other parameter is "event _target _value - > get files - > entries " (see 2nd pic ) hoping that it will merge the two but it simply starts from beginning and it only uploads the second set of files . do you have any idea how to solve this ? thanks - Login page is setting cookie but not redirecting
3 27 days ago
19 Dec 2024, 01:12
I have a login page which is receiving back from my server a token . It is being set correctly in cookie storage on the client , but the redirect does not trigger and the login page is reloaded . I can get the redirect page to load by either : (1 ) If I type the redirect url manually , then the page loads correctly (I can see that the token is being sent correctly - so the token has been saved ) . (2 ) Typing the credentials in a second time on to the login page and submitting , then the redirect works correctly (in this case the server will send a new token ) . What I have noticed from my server logs , is that after the first attempt to call the redirect , the server receives { { cookies .access _token } } . When typing in manually (or after the second submit ) , the server is receiving the token . I have attached screenshots . The workflow is very simple (as attached ) . As per @Lucas G suggestion I put prevent default at the start of the submit workflow , but that has not helped in this case . Any pointers would be really appreciated . - submit to API
6 27 days ago
18 Dec 2024, 18:05
Help me to understand submit . I am testing in API test passes successfully , but when I press submit is not - map multiple keys
3 27 days ago
18 Dec 2024, 16:36
How do I get an array of objects with say 100 keys down to a new array of objects with just the 3 keys I want ? I 've tried the map formula but I can only seem to sepcify 1 key . Thanks - Adding a script tag just before </body>
🥲10 27 days ago
18 Dec 2024, 13:17
I 'm trying to load a 3rd party script that needs to be in the body but keeps coming back with the error : Code found in the page <head > . Please place code directly before the < /body > I 've tried it as a component , setting script type to module , as the last element on the page but nothing seems to be working . The code snippet is pretty basic - example below : <script type = "text /javascript " > var vglnk = {key : '454b80f1502c ' } ; (function (d , t ) {var s = d .createElement (t ) ; s .type = 'text /javascript ' ;s .async = true ; s .src = ' / /cdn .viglink .com /api /vglnk .js ' ; var r = d .getElementsByTagName (t ) [0 ] ; r .parentNode .insertBefore (s , r ) ; } (document , 'script ' ) ) ; < /script > Any advice on how to get around this error ? - How do I style the markdown block plugin?
1 28 days ago
17 Dec 2024, 21:41
Title . How do I style the markdown block plugin ? - How do I change page metadata?
Chris from Xano
✅12 28 days ago
17 Dec 2024, 17:48
Can 't seem to find the option for this . It just shares as "Toddle template " / "A blank template from toddle " . I 'm sure I 'm missing something obvious , but would appreciate any pointers . Thanks !