Help forum

  • Alex


    26 days ago

    Table hidden on scroll...
    what am I doing wrong here???
    on scroll, the far right columns dissappear
  • alain


    26 days ago

    Referencing a variable in a formula breaks after triggering a formula that appends to that variable
    If you see the screenshot workoutData at the top of the image is "undefined" and upon refresh it is defined again. Whenever I append to a variable, does there need be a refresh that needs to take place before the event can happen again? Not sure if im explaining this correctly, any help is appreciated!
  • Neville


    26 days ago

    Export theme colour variables from package?
    Hello folks,

    I've built a package with 1 exported component. In the package itself, I've defined a bunch of colours in the (Default) theme. How can I make those colour variables visible in anything I wrap in that component?

    I've read the documentation and I know I can export components, custom formulas, and custom actions. I'm now (laboriously) testing to see how I can use custom formulas to make them visible, but any help or suggestions will speed up the process, thanks!
  • ssssadsadasd


    26 days ago

    Supabase returns 201 but no row is created
    Super weird situation that got me stuck.
    I want to insert a new supabase row and it returns a 201 (see pic). Also in the logs it shows that they were successful. The table has RLS disabled.
    However, no new row has been created in the table (as confirmed also by SQL queries).

    I have tried every possible configuration in the Toddle API but could not make it work. When I run the SQL in the Supabase dashboard it works though.

    any idea why this happens? thanks
  • RasacL


    26 days ago

    How do I subscribe to Supabase websocket and get latest data.
    I want to fetch some data that is being added to supabase using websocket connection and display the same in the UI. Right now, I am making too many API calls and that's affecting the performance on my supabase db, Please suggest me how to get the websocket connection working in
  • yoelfdz


    26 days ago

    Help modals keep showing up
    Love the new help modals/tutorials but for some reason they keep showing up. Any way to prevent that?
  • saillmone


    26 days ago

    How to edit value of nested object
    Hello guys,
    I have a "data" variable which groups together several objects.
    I would like, for example, to modify the quantity of the variant items[1].

    I suspect that I should use the Set & get function but I cannot directly reach the right data.

    Can someone help me?

    Thanks guys!
  • Tom Ireland


    26 days ago

    Approaches to server side form validation - toddle x Supabase
    Hey, folks. Has anyone got any tips/tricks on how best to handle form validation server side when using toddle x Supabase?

    Is the answer to use Supabase Edge functions or CloudFlare Workers for this?

    Table constraints and RLS policy checks will only get you so far and I'm conscious of ensuring forms are properly validated, while reducing as much repetition fron end and server-side as possible.
  • ssssadsadasd


    26 days ago

    Updating a list variable
    I am using the upload to set a variable called files.
    I set the file variable as event_target_value -> get files -> entries (see pic). This works fine.
    now, the second time I upload, I want to add the new files to the existing files variable list, and not start the list from empty.
    So, I use "array" where first parameter is "files" and the other parameter is "event_target_value -> get files -> entries" (see 2nd pic) hoping that it will merge the two but it simply starts from beginning and it only uploads the second set of files.

    do you have any idea how to solve this? thanks
  • Dov


    27 days ago

    Login page is setting cookie but not redirecting
    I have a login page which is receiving back from my server a token. It is being set correctly in cookie storage on the client, but the redirect does not trigger and the login page is reloaded.

    I can get the redirect page to load by either:
    (1) If I type the redirect url manually, then the page loads correctly (I can see that the token is being sent correctly - so the token has been saved).

    (2) Typing the credentials in a second time on to the login page and submitting, then the redirect works correctly (in this case the server will send a new token).

    What I have noticed from my server logs, is that after the first attempt to call the redirect, the server receives {{ cookies.access_token }}.

    When typing in manually (or after the second submit), the server is receiving the token. I have attached screenshots.

    The workflow is very simple (as attached).

    As per @Lucas G suggestion I put prevent default at the start of the submit workflow, but that has not helped in this case.

    Any pointers would be really appreciated.
  • Higolol


    27 days ago

    submit to API
    Help me to understand submit. I am testing in API test passes successfully, but when I press submit is not
  • Miles


    27 days ago

    map multiple keys
    How do I get an array of objects with say 100 keys down to a new array of objects with just the 3 keys I want?

    I've tried the map formula but I can only seem to sepcify 1 key.

  • Charlie


    27 days ago

    Adding a script tag just before </body>
    I'm trying to load a 3rd party script that needs to be in the body but keeps coming back with the error:
    Code found in the page <head>. Please place code directly before the </body>

    I've tried it as a component, setting script type to module, as the last element on the page but nothing seems to be working. The code snippet is pretty basic - example below:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var vglnk = {key: '454b80f1502c'};
    (function(d, t) {var s = d.createElement(t);
    s.type = 'text/javascript';s.async = true;
    s.src = '//';
    var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
    r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r);
    }(document, 'script'));

    Any advice on how to get around this error?
  • Muffin


    28 days ago

    How do I style the markdown block plugin?
    Title. How do I style the markdown block plugin?
  • Chris from Xano


    28 days ago

    How do I change page metadata?
    Can't seem to find the option for this. It just shares as "Toddle template" / "A blank template from toddle". I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but would appreciate any pointers. Thanks!

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