Help forum

  • Muffin


    23 days ago

    Head assets aren't working
    I'm using Posthog for analytics but I'n not getting any daya even though I've added the tracking code to my head
  • unicodes


    24 days ago

    API Calls
    Is there any issue with the API calls? It is a simple POST request (with Auto Fetch disabled) and does not have any event that calls it again on success, failure, or other types of events.

    Why is this happening? There is no change with debounce on even 1000ms.
  • asad


    24 days ago

    api sorting
    what is the best way to implement dynamic filtering in api using supabase
  • ssssadsadasd


    24 days ago

    Toast width does not adapt fully?
    When the content is long the toast does not adapt to the width.
  • Ben H


    24 days ago

    Is it possible to have an eventListener inside a custom action listen for component events?
    I have a data-provider component that houses common calculations I need to perform in my workflows. When the calculations are complete, the data-provider component fires an event "calculated_results" with the results. The data-provider component shares its context so that its calculation workflow can be triggered outside the component. Now, here is my problem. I need a way to halt my workflows until I get the data from the data-provider needed to continue the workflow. That is, I need to halt the workflow until the calculated_results event fires. I was hoping I could do this with a custom action using an eventListener (code below), but it doesn't seem to work. It doesn't seem to recognize any event called "calculated_results". Does toddle have an internal representation of this component event that I need to be using?

    function waitForEvent(args, ctx) {

    // Get parameters
    const eventToWaitFor = args.eventName;
    const timeoutMs = isNumber(args.timeoutMs) ? args.timeoutMs : 30000;

    // Handler for the event
    const handleEvent = (event) => {
    document.removeEventListener(eventToWaitFor, handleEvent);
    ctx.triggerActionEvent('success', {
    event: eventToWaitFor,
    data: event.detail

    // Set up timeout
    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    document.removeEventListener(eventToWaitFor, handleEvent);
    ctx.triggerActionEvent('timeout', {
    error: 'Waiting for ${eventToWaitFor} timed out after ${timeoutMs}ms',
    event: eventToWaitFor
    }, timeoutMs);

    // Listen for the specified event
    document.addEventListener(eventToWaitFor, handleEvent);
  • unicodes


    24 days ago

    how to filter objects?
    I have an object of objects (skills).

    {id, name},
    {id, name},

    How to filter them based of name?

    This my old filter was for an object with just names.
  • Higolol


    25 days ago

    Session coocies or global veraible
    Through the API I register a new user and get a token which I write to session coocies. How can I use this token on another page inside the API, to specify it as sessionId in API headers. Is there a global variable in toddle or some other way?
  • alain


    25 days ago

    Idea/brainstorm (search, add, repeat)
    Hello team,

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I could achieve a functionality that goes like this:

    1. Search backend table of an exercise database via an input field
    2. Press enter to select
    3. The entered exercise gets added to repeating div formatted nicely like a card with a bunch of info.
    4. Can add and delete them
  • A-Chivas


    25 days ago

    Create a whitelabel dashboard with creating of a replicate database with dynamic APIs?
    I have created a dashboard which my client wants to replicate and whitelabel it with replicate database and dynamic API's
    how do I go about it?
  • Hausia


    25 days ago

    'Get Rows' API error
    Hi, getting this error from the attached API call.

    "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="en">\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8">\n<title>Error</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<pre>SyntaxError: Unexpected token &quot; in JSON at position 0<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;at JSON.parse.....

    Have double checked the body JSON multiple times: { "appID": "RoLnq8SeTdUWbtkmX6dR", "queries": [ { "tableName": "native-table-8VlEy9GI7SpQUosrEOAK", "columns": ["cNI9W", "aSJ65"] } ] }

    Any ideas?
  • Higolol


    25 days ago

    change to "false" or "true" by cliking
    Hello, fathers! My question to guys how knows Directual. I need to use the API with chekboxes. It works with JSON that includes object_id. Whow I can tell the item in chekbox that boolean in API needs change to "false" or "true" by cliking? I cant undestend that.
  • ssssadsadasd


    25 days ago

    Horizontal scrolling not behaving as expected
  • A-Chivas


    25 days ago

    Can I have multiple events in a components?
    Can I have multiple events in a components? also why do I have to type events in components? its really confusing, I need to assign multiple events and I am confused, plz help
  • .


    25 days ago

    Accidentally removed default Sans font in Themes
    Hello, accidentally deleted the default Sans font in Toddle from the Themes in the sidebar. Is there any way to get that back?
  • unicodes


    25 days ago

    Join query help
    Hi, I have table cars, and table my_card. I want to :

    SELECT *
    FROM cars
    JOIN my_cars ON = my_cars.car_id
    WHERE my_cars.selected = TRUE;'

    It works with query on my_cars:


    but how to query cars and selecting based on my_cars?

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