Help forum

  • needtheanswers


    15 days ago

    Layout issue - components are stacked/overflowing
    Hi, the height of my component doesn´t seem to get recognized so now everything is stacked. I´ve recreated everything here to make it more visible.

    Would appreciate any help, thanks
  • ssssadsadasd


    16 days ago

    Set two path parameters at once: two slashes at the end
    I have three path parameters: tab1, tab2, tab3. So my url is sth like:

    When clicking a button I want to go to url: so remove the last two path parameters. To do so I create an event on a button and then do: set tab2, set tab3 -> to empty. However, the resulting url is so two slashes at the end. I want only one. how can i achieve this? thanks (see [this]( as an example)
  • Keviruchis


    16 days ago

    Is there a way to export themes as a package for reusability?
    I've managed to build out a specialized design system for my upcoming apps but the theme isn't mentioned anywhere in the package docs. I was wondering if there was a way to export/import them to make it reusable.
  • ssssadsadasd


    16 days ago

    Adapt size to width of parent div
    I have an image with aspect-ratio: 1, max-width = max-height = 200px, and the parent div max-width = 600px.

    I want the size of this image to be 1/3 of the parent size width. so e.g.
    parent div width = 600 -> image width and height = 200
    parent div width = 300 -> image width and height = 100

    how can I do so? [here]( a sample app to implement this

  • Leo


    18 days ago

    Internal Server error
    Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I've had this problem with one of my pages for quite some time now.
  • FouadTarabolsi


    18 days ago

    redirecting back to page after authentication
    Hi there,
    I am still new to toddle, but I am happy on how fast I am progressing.
    I created many pages in my app including the login page. login page successfully redirects to the main page after authentication.

    I also was able to redirect the other pages to the login page if the user is not authenticated.

    now i am struggling with redirecting the user back to the page he requested instead of going to the default home page.

    I tried asking the AI and went through a few discord posts. i was not able to sort it out.
  • Higolol


    18 days ago

    Object ID frome one API to API
    My task. Clicking on a result in the table would open a page with information about that result.

    The API that gives information about the result contains an ID that should be passed as a parameter to another API. How to do it?
  • Dov


    19 days ago

    Style table row when clicked

    I want to style a table row when it is clicked. I could use the following JS, but would rather to it in native toddle. Plus I don't know how I could use a conditional style using this.

    document.querySelectorAll('.table-row').forEach(row => {
    row.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Remove 'clicked' class from all rows
    document.querySelectorAll('.table-row').forEach(r => r.classList.remove('clicked'));

    // Add 'clicked' class to the selected row
  • zefunha


    19 days ago

    If text is True then green if Text false then Red

    for my landing page i am looking to have the text change style based on result, can you show me how to do this one.

    thank you
  • knotshell


    19 days ago

    Buildship Open AI assistant streaming
    Hello! I can't get the OpenAI assistant streaming from buildship to work on toddle. The API response says 'Service Unavailable'. The standard OpenAI stream response works just fine. If I put the buildship output to include the whole object from OpenAI assistant instead of just the streamed output, it shows up on the API response in toddle but the markdown block does not render this output at all. Is there something I'm doing wrong? thanks for the help!
  • J.ulian


    21 days ago

    Simple question: how to remove repeat property (and 🔁 icon from element tree)
    Many thanks in advance, I guess this is simple. Have removed all the logic. The same is with the show/hide attribute that is permanently visible in the element tree.
  • A-Chivas


    21 days ago

    How do I create a global workflow?
    I have created a notification message and I need to set them on almost all create and update APIs, and I need to manually do it for like 20 api calls and this is success and error messages separate would be great if I could do them faster, is this possible?
  • ssssadsadasd


    21 days ago

    Parent is hovered effects on children
    When a parent is hovered I want to change the background color of the children (but not of the parent itself). how can i do so? thanks
  • Janis


    22 days ago

    Popover Animation :closed
    I managed to apply a @starting-style transition to a popover, but I can't figure out how to apply a closing animation since the pseudo-element :closed is not supported

    The goal would be to do something like:

    [popover]:closed {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translateY(10px) scale(0.95);
  • ssssadsadasd


    23 days ago

    Reusable content text size decreasing
    As you can from the images, I have the actual screen and the editor at the same size but in the editor the text appears as expected (text keeps the same size regardless of width and breaks does in a next line; the text size = 15px) while in the actual screen the text decreases in size and it appears in the same lines at any width.

    now sure why this happens. I am using this as a reusable in the page and probably that has sth to do with it. any idea why this happens? thanks

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