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- Is there an easier way to use a formula to set a value on a nested object in a variable?
1 10 days ago
4 Jan 2025, 22:26
I 'm creating a basic workout plan builder which allows you to define any number of days and each of those days has any number of exercises . I have a program variable defined in Toddle and inside that there is a days object with a name and array of exercises[] . Each exercise object has a name as well . I 've attached a photo of the initial value of my program variable to show an example of the structure . I 'd like the user to be able to edit the exercise name on any given day and so I have an inline-value-edit element from the starter -pack package and on the setEditedInput event I have a formula where I try to update the program variable by setting the name on a given exercise for a given day (based on the indices provided by repeat variables and input field the user selected ) , is there a way to simplify this formula ? I 'm used to coding where I could easily just do something like program.days[parentIndex].exercises[index].name = value in one line , but it seems like in Toddle I have to create a large formula for what seems like a simple operation , but perhaps I 'm missing something . Is there an easier way to specify the Path value on that right -most Set to just provide the day and exercise indices to set the name and return the updated program as the output ? Or is it typically easier in Toddle to limit how nested your objects get where instead of having a program object I 'd just surface all the nested elements as separate variables and have a days variable instead ? - How to retrieve selected value from <select> element?
✅113 10 days ago
4 Jan 2025, 21:53 does not provide any data . Therefore , I should be able on change event to (query )select the element and get the current selected value . Cannot find an easy native solution in Toddle , while I do think this is a common usecase . Have set the array index as value attribute via repeater function . I was unable to set an ID for the <select > element . - Set url hash/anchor
7 10 days ago
4 Jan 2025, 14:38
how can i set /unset a url hash /anchor without refreshing the page ? - Uploaded Images and URLs
✅16 10 days ago
4 Jan 2025, 14:27
Hey guys , i retrieve image urls from a api and storing them in a array variable . now i upload a new image with the fileupload and i want to append this image to the variable to display it along the other images and send it to a api in the last stept . how can i do this ? the api images are in the form of urls , the fileupload is just data . . in wized i used a complicated workaround using claudinary as a "host " before sending data to airtable . (In the Image you see the "old " data from the api call , and when you upload new images the need to be apended ) - Make images in grid responsive
Matthieu B.
4 10 days ago
4 Jan 2025, 12:47
Hello Toddle Jeddis I 'm struggling with front -end display of images 🖼️ See my 2 images attached . When I resize the screen I want the image to be able to shrink (up to a certain point ) to continue displaying my 2 columns (images ) . In mobile , I should have 1 column (image ) stretched wide , and then if I increase the screen size , I should get 2 images that appear shrinked to their min size . : I want to have a set height on my image , WITHOUT making the image disproportionated . How would you , Jedi of toddle , go about those 2 problems , sticking to native toddle as much as you could ? Thanks a lot : get similar AI generated images on selfiebooth .ai - Issue With json and Supabase signup api call
✅111 11 days ago
4 Jan 2025, 03:40
I am creating a signup page and building the API call to supabase but I keep getting this error on the body part of the call : "Could not parse request body as JSON : json : cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type api .SignupParams " In the body I am trying to pass this format : { "email " : "new _email @email .com " , "password " : "new _password " } I have tested this in APIDog and it works . I have also tried removing the quotes , removing the curly brackets , adding quotes around it , etc and I get an error every time . Any thoughts ? - Session key in Xano and denied access in Toddle
0 11 days ago
3 Jan 2025, 15:15
Hello , I have implemented the session key in the user table and added it to my api endpoint in the login call . When i test the api endpoint in the backend , it creates a session key ; but when I go to the frontend then I can 't login because the previous session has not expired . So , I probably forgot something , because most users have multiple devices and as a consequence have multiple logins and different sessions . How would I solve this in Toddle . I am looking for a not too hard implementation . Or last login implementation in Xano . Any ideas ? - Using Airtable for User Login / Auth
6 11 days ago
3 Jan 2025, 13:55
Hello guys ! i want to switch my plattform user -backend from wized to toddle but i cannot change the database from airtable to something else atm . My question ist : i have a lot of users in the airtable base with hashed bcrypt passwords . Can i use these existing passwords for auth in toddle ? - Question about configuring domains on
Joce Nunes
3 12 days ago
2 Jan 2025, 23:36
I recently updated my logic to support multiple clients in my SaaS . However , when I try to configure the domain for a second client on Toddle , the CNAME is not propagating , and I ’m seeing the message shown in the attached image . My question is : Is it possible to have two different domains configured on Cloudflare for the same application in a single Toddle account ? If not , what would be the recommended solution for this scenario ? Thank you - How to bind array to drag & drop list to keep variable in sync with displayed list?
7 12 days ago
2 Jan 2025, 23:29
Is there an easy way to bind an array variable to a scrollable list in the UI where the array variable updates if the user makes changes to the list ? Basically , trying to create a weight lifting program builder which will have a horizontal scrolling list of days where the user can dynamically add /remove as many days as needed . And then each of those days has a vertically scrolling list of exercises that also can be dynamically added /removed and reordered (see photo for example of similar goal UI ) . I 'd like it to be possible to drag and drop both the days and exercises between days . I see the Spark Drag and Drop and starter -pack packages have list components , but I 'm not sure if the starter -pack allows drag & drop between different lists (to allow exercises to change days ) and the Spark package seems like it would require manually updating the underlying array variable anytime the lists changed which would be kind -of a hassle to implement , especially since I 'm still brand -new to Toddle . - Rate Limiting by IP with Xano
0 12 days ago
2 Jan 2025, 20:20
How can I do this ? I noticed it wasn 't working and found out why here - Server side redirect not working, as intended..
2 12 days ago
2 Jan 2025, 18:59
Had setup a server side redirect , but it still loads the page before redirect , plz help . . - How to select Distinct curl query?
15 12 days ago
2 Jan 2025, 12:40
I 'm looking to select from a table all the unique values , is there a way to do it in curl ? - Multiple path tab setting -> go back
23 13 days ago
1 Jan 2025, 19:04
When clicking a button I immediately set three url paths : tab1 , tab2 , tab3 . When the user clicks the back button in the browser I want the user to go the page where the user was when the button was clicked . but the user is redirected to the tab1 ,tab2 url . [see video ] ( ) how can I go immediately to the original page (without refreshing the page ) ? see [test page ] ( ) thanks - Calculation of variables does not show actual value immediately
✅119 13 days ago
1 Jan 2025, 18:44
I have a reusable . The reusable has an attribute item = { "created _at " : "2025 -01 - 0 1 T 1 7 : 5 6 :04 .15182 + 0 0 :00 " } The reusable has a variable milliseconds = now - item .created _at (which translates in milliseconds ) . I use this variable because I do not want to calculate it for each if condition . The reusable has a text which translates to different time format : so if created _at is less than one minute = just now , less than 1 hour = x minutes etc . Suppose created _at is less than one hour . It should show immediately xm (inutes ) but it first shows the last item of the if condition and then correctly shows xm (inutes ) . [see video ] ( ) why does this happen ? here is the [test url ] ( ) . P .S . : make sure to change the value in the page to a date less than 1 hour prior