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  • building_stuff-1296119414558822520



    3 months ago

    [SOLVED] Supabase: Prevent non-registered users from using Magic Link Login
    I am using the /auth/v1/magiclink endpoint to allow users to login. However, the endpoint also allows non-registered users to create an account via the login route. I tried adding a shouldCreateUser attribute to the body object but that does not work.

    Does anyone have an idea how to restrict usage of the login endpoint to only registered users?
  • martinf4630-1296096739865919552



    3 months ago

    How to get access_token from local storage.
    I'm using supabase-js to manage auth. When a user logs in supabase-js adds the access-token and refresh_token etc to local storage. I have an event set up that let's me know when this happens so I can set session cookies and then use the access_token for api calls etc (if i understand correctly.)

    But how do i use get 'Get from local storage" to extract it. I've tried loads of different things and no joy. Any ideas?
  • banks7191-1296046269307031552



    3 months ago

    xano to toddle
    Please does anyone have a very RECENT video connecting xano to toddle for sign up, login with authentications.

    newbie struggling here
  • .tombaker-1296037340619214891

    Tom Baker


    3 months ago

    Truly sorry if this has been asked before, I did search but couldnt see what I was looking for.

    I did look at toddle a while ago but its been a while so starting fresh.

    How possible is it to build spreadsheet functionality into a toddle app. Not so much the formula, more as a database structure for my users.

    They would need to be able to add a column selecting a format such as text, number ect.

    The columns would need to be drag resizable.

    I was just thinking about integrating with airtable or google sheets but feel that building a natuve solution would allow greater future flexibility.

    Thanks in advance
  • burner918-1295739338486714479



    3 months ago

    How to use Toddle Tailwind parser?
    I'd like to use some Tailwind UI components in my project. Toddle does have a Tailwind-to-Toddle library ( but I'm not sure how to use this. I install it on my local machine npm install @toddledev/tailwind-parser but then what? What do I need to do with the code provided? I'm not a coder so any help would be much appreciated.
  • petershaw99-1295716763157135360



    3 months ago

    Post more than one value
    Is it possible to post more than one value with one API call?

    I thought of creating an array and pass this array to Supabase. If this is the way to do it, how can I add values to this array?
  • nocode_fred-1295673974470082580

    NoCode Fred


    3 months ago

    Copying multi-steps workflows: possible?
    This looks like a pretty dumb question, but I couldn't find a discussion about it.

    Is it possible to copy as a whole thing (and thus paste with a single CTRL-V) a workflow made of multiple steps?
    I can copy single steps, but only one-by-one apparently.
  • elli4931-1295656517692817408



    3 months ago

    phone number mask (and country code)
    How can I implement phone number mask/formatting (based on country)?

    I want to implement something like in the screenshot
  • magical_fawn_52793-1295486937208983714



    3 months ago

    Best PDF Generater
    I am looking for a very good an affordable PDF generater with PDF - Template editor to send data from toddle via API and get a perfect multipage rendered PDf as a result. It should contain a first PAge Cover and after that header and footer on page 2... It also should have sections and subsections for different data in the json send via api... Can anyone recommend a service for that? We are developing a tool for recruiting and the goal is to generate very stylish clean PDF CVs and and send the anonymized and with all data to employers... ๐Ÿ™‚ I attached a few screenshots so you can see what I have in Mind to put into a PDF... Also charts for data anylysis should be possible... Hope you like what I built up to now... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • carterux-1295454210518679613

    Seun Orofin


    3 months ago

    How can i setup a load more functionality when it gets to the bottom of the list?
  • mesmoiron-1295416138993369193



    3 months ago

    To do tutorials and Xano api

    I am trying to get two tutorials about making a todo app work together. The button that toggles the completed task works and writes to the Xano backend. However the strike through doesn't work anymore. Another issue is that the new state isn't reflected immediately. I have to refresh the page manually. I also added an selected-todo to the list item, because, If I don't klick a button the api won't get an task id.

    What I would like to know is, how to tell Toddle that the page or the selected item should be refreshed if this is possible. If I think correctly, then after calling update, I should call the list items again. But that is on another element, because the input determines the completed state not the listing of the repeated item.
  • petershaw99-1295385202302124114



    3 months ago

    SQL querie in Supabase
    Hey all, I use a SQL query in Supabase editor. How can I make sure to use this SQL query when fetching data from supabase?

    For example I use a table with 10 cities in it. The sql query says that the output is one random city. I want to integrate the SQL in the GET API call
  • benjamin.h-1295232013611303023

    Ben H


    3 months ago

    Input field not displaying the variable it is binded to
    I have a variable, customPrice, binded to an input field. In order to validate the input, I clamp the input event value when setting customPrice. customPrice gets set correctly, but the input field still displays the unclamped input despite being binded to customPrice. (See screenshots.) How can I get the input field to update to reflect the clamped value?
  • mossi9682-1295184293869391995



    3 months ago

    repeat over 2 data sources
    I have a div that is repeated over an array from an api call. (user creation api). The div shows some user info and repeats it for users created. Once user is created they can create items. I have another api that gets the number of items each user created (gets this from db, based on user ID). In the repeated div I want to also show total number of items created for each user in their own repeated div. How do I do this?
  • zefunha-1295130343376027658



    3 months ago

    list selected items from api
    Hi guys,

    Can anyone point out how to list out selected items from a api array.


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