Help forum
- Any tips on how to get this popover to stay on the screen?
✅14 3 months ago
6 Oct 2024, 19:41
I have a little pop over box where users can select another color , but if it 's on the edge it goes off the screen . Any tips to make it more dynamic and adjust it 's position if it can 't show fully on the screen ? Here 's a demo : - Variable not being set after get request
8 3 months ago
6 Oct 2024, 19:23
I have an API call that fetches data when a form is submitted . However , the response is not being set correctly and is returning null , even though I am setting the variables upon a successful call . I am also using a proxy for this request . Could there be something I 'm doing wrong ? What might be causing the response to return null ? - Question about best practices using tags inside components
Ben H
2 3 months ago
6 Oct 2024, 16:56
When working inside components , should I use tags like "Main " or "Header " to indicate the main part of a component or the header of a component , even if the component itself may be used outside of a page 's main or header sections ? In other words , should I reserve "Main " and "Header " tags for the root page , or is it best practice to use these tags within components as well to denote hierarchy within components ? - Variable not set in live version?
✅15 3 months ago
6 Oct 2024, 14:09
Hello folks , I 'm setting a variable after in an API call on success . This works fine in the dev environment , but does not work in the live version . I 'm displaying the API result data (from which the variable is set ) as well as the variable value on screen . I can see the correct value from the API call and the variable is set correctly in the dev environment , but not in the live version . Has anyone seen similar behaviour ? - Save Spark Drang and Drop via API
4 3 months ago
6 Oct 2024, 12:23
Hello everyone , I use directus as a backend and would like to save the order of my drag and drop list . Unfortunately , I keep coming up against limits here : directus only accepts PATCH calls with which you can only change one value for several data sets and I have not yet found out how I can process a list of objects one after the other with an API call in toddle . Have you already found a solution for these problems or do you save your lists completely differently ? I would appreciate a exchange on this ! - Editor-only components/elements
22 3 months ago
5 Oct 2024, 18:38
Hi . Is it possible to create editor -only elements or components ? For example , if I were to create a parent component in Toddle containing sub -elements or child -components (e .g . drop downs , buttons , checkboxes , file import dialog , etc ) , which are only meant to configure the settings of the parent component , can I make those editor -only ? Meaning , would I be able to dynamically manipulate those sub -elements / child elements in the Toddle editor to configure the parent component but make them hidden /removed on the live site ? My inspiration comes from the new Rive plugin in Framer which sits on the Framer canvas and can be used to configure the Rive animation , and as it does so , the Rive element ’s properties (in the details panel on the right are modified accordingly ) . This Rive plugin floating window can be seen in the Framer editor but is not seen on the live site . See attached video . Thanks ! - how do I pass on multiple values when using a custom event?
5 3 months ago
5 Oct 2024, 16:18
I have a component with an input field . On input I trigger the event that passes on the data . I would like to pass on the value of the input and the index . If I pass on either the input value or the index I don ´t have a problem accessing the data but how can I pass on multiple values ? Thanks a lot - Is there a way to narrow the scope of the possible values that a component's attribute can take?
3 3 months ago
4 Oct 2024, 18:48
When setting a component 's attribute from outside the component , I noticed that users are allowed to freely input any value they wish even though some attributes should be limited to only a few possible values . For example , while any truthy and falsy value can become a boolean in Javascript , in many cases , an attribute of type "boolean " should be limited to only two values : true and false (or "yes " and "no " - or some other set of two possible values ) . Similarly , if an attribute was responsible for specifying the component 's "layout " , there are likely only a handful of values that this attribute should take . Additionally , there are cases when the set of possible values for an attribute are determined by some external file 's contents (e .g . the contents of a Rive file dictate what artboards , state machines , and inputs are present in the Rive animation , and many of its configuration options like "autoplay " , "fit " , and "alignment " only take a handful of values ) . Is there any way to limit a particular attribute 's value to a small set of possible values and then the user only needs to select it via a dropdown or a toggle ? Thanks . - unable to find file to import
5 3 months ago
4 Oct 2024, 11:52
Sorry , I don 't get it . When I use the import page function ; it works sometimes and mostly not . So , I copy and paste a lot of the information , but I still don 't know why it refuses and in which circumstances . - Draggable element - When to use event formula, normal formula or a workflow?
5 3 months ago
3 Oct 2024, 13:43
Hello , I am working on making elements move /drag over the canvas with the example of W3Schools I tried to rewrite the code into event actions and then create a workflow . This didn 't work out , mostly because I don 't quite have the intuitive feeling when to use actions , formula and workflows and script tag . I have moved the code into the script tag section . It works finally ; - ) . But I am still puzzled about it . Can I move the code from the script into an onload event ? The bigger question behind my questions is : how to think in a Toddle way when rewriting code . Maybe we can have a new awesome video about that ? Please 😺 - Error during authentication
8 3 months ago
2 Oct 2024, 20:11
Hello everyone , As a newbie to Toddle , I 'm in the process of building my first small but nice app with Toddle . As backend I use a self -hosted version of directus (11 .1 .0 ) . During user authentication (login ) to get an access token , I always get an error message “error code : 1003 ” . After some trial and error , I found out that this only occurs with an API call from Toddle . Both mocks with SoapUI or other web apps work without problems . Have any of you ever had this behavior or maybe even know the solution to this problem ? - Scrollbar customization?
✅13 3 months ago
2 Oct 2024, 19:18
Howdy . I see there 's a CSS editor , and it seems to respect scrollbar -width , but that 's about the only property I 've been able to change . Is webkit supported somewhere / somehow ? Thanks ! - Refactoring custom calendar / date time picker
43 3 months ago
26 Sept 2024, 22:38
Hi , I ’m in the process of refactoring our custom date -time picker to make it more robust and improve support for time picking and better range handling . Our current picker is based on an early community -shared datepicker , which heavily relies on timestamps . While this works natively in Toddle , it 's become extremely complex and somewhat fragile . I ’ve been considering different approaches for the new version , but I ’m still undecided . Should I rework how we handle timestamps , or rely more on the built -in Date object methods with custom actions and functions ? Or is there another solution I might be overlooking ? Our main goal is to support both date and time picking while keeping the component as Toddle -native as possible . Has anyone had good experiences , solutions , or learnings with building similar date pickers or calendars ? - Publish to custom domain
50 3 months ago
23 Sept 2024, 19:05
I have already connected my custom domain but it still using the toddle .site as the main domain . how can i make my custom domain as the main domain ? - Custom domain still pending!
✅17 3 months ago
23 Sept 2024, 17:29
i have already created the CNAME records over 1 .5 hours ago and it is still saying 'Pending ' . Any idea what can be the issue ?