Help forum

  • RakiDawood


    2 months ago

    Styling in Toddle
    Is there video or a playlist where I can learn about styling in toddle? I am currently struggling to absolute fix a repeated form to the whole page as a popup. This was pretty easy in webflow with its CMS list. Thanks in advance everyone! - A video explaining the issue
  • Godwin


    2 months ago

    Multi-step form
    Is there any resource on how to create a multi-step form?
  • Matthieu B.


    2 months ago

    Alerts in toddle 🔔
    How I can easily display an Alert, on-screen ?

    I'm still new to toddle, and trying to figure out what I was doing in bubble works in toddle.

    I'm wondering how I can easily display an Alert, on-screen, after an action has been performed, to indicate the user that something is going on in the background.

    Cf image attached


    2 months ago

    Issue with receiving authToken in Toddle
    I'm having an issue with integrating Toddle and Xano for a signup page. The API works fine, and when I make a POST request directly via cURL or Postman, I receive the authToken in the response as expected.

    However, when I trigger the same request through a button in Toddle, I’m not receiving the authToken in the response under data. I’ve checked the API call (URL, POST method, headers, and body), and everything is configured correctly. I also verified that the JSON response from Xano includes the authToken.

    If anyone has suggestions on what might be causing this or how to properly capture the response in Toddle, I'd appreciate the help!
  • mossi


    2 months ago

    Set values of items based on repeat item values
    To simplifiy, I repeat a div on an api. The api returns 3 strings "Apple", "Grapes" and "Banana". The div has 2 text items (Text1 Text2). I set the value of the first text based on the repeat item values. So now I have a list with 3 lines like this: Apple Text2 - Grapes Text2- Banana Text2. What I need to achieve is to set the Text2 based on the value of the text1 in its index. So if it is Apple text2 to be "Round", if its Grapes, text2 to be "Purple" and for banana text2 to be "Sweet".
  • Victor Giron


    2 months ago

    Link vs Button for single-page experience
    Hey everyone, I'm building a dashboard and I was thinking to use <a> elements for the sidebar menu, to change the path of the page and depending on that, display the content for each section.

    Using <a> renders the whole page and the sidebar menu sometimes flicks for a milisecond.

    When I use <button> this doesn't happen.

    What's the recommended way to do this?
  • needtheanswers


    2 months ago

    use cases for bearer id token? (authorization)
    I always use the access token for authorization but what would be a use case to use the id token?

  • Seun Orofin


    2 months ago

    Is there any resource or documentation that one can study to understand how to use Paths ?
    How do i make sure that i can dynamically update the title of the page based on the user's interaction with the navigation menu....Not sure how this work atall
  • Bankydoo


    2 months ago

    firebase + toddle combo
    Just curious. Has anyone connected firebase with toddle here.
    Would love to do that as an exercise but the fb doc isnt explicitly clear
  • Seun Orofin


    2 months ago

    How can i set like a loader while the image is still trying to render on the feeds.
  • Lucvs


    2 months ago

    Best practice to build a survey
    Hey guys,

    If you were to build a survey in toddle, with a lot of questions, conditional logic, and answers being saved in local/session storage which approach would you use and why?

    A) One page, with each question in separate divs, hide the div of every question whenever user goes to next question

    B) A lot of pages, separate page for each question, when a question is answered user gets redirected to next page
  • Seun Orofin


    2 months ago

    How can i stop the effect of zooming in when a user taps on an input field on mobile view (ios)
    I attached a screen recording
  • needtheanswers


    2 months ago

    Intersection observer: change nav link color when section is in viewport
    I want the my nav links to change when a specific section is in the viewport. It should work like in the video attached (built in webflow, don´t mind the ui lol) How can I achieve this?
    I tried to use @Jacob Kofoed´s intersection observer package and also the some code from Claude that I put in a custom action. However I wasn´t able to make this work. Has anyone built something similar or could point me in the right direction?

    Thanks a lot
  • unicodes


    2 months ago

    Get from Session Storage is working to you?
    I want to get the refresh_token from session storage but it isn't working to me. Is working in your case?

    Thank you!
  • totheMoon_Jay


    2 months ago

    Issue with Updating a Request (PATCH) in Xano – “Value is not a valid integer”
    Hi everyone,

    I’m working on a project and having trouble with updating a request using a PATCH endpoint in Xano. Here’s the situation:

    - I’m using a PATCH endpoint in Xano to update a request (task).

    - The request_id is passed as an integer from Toddle to identify the task that needs to be updated.

    - Despite passing request_id as an number in Toddle, I’m receiving the following error from Xano:
    ERROR_CODE_INPUT_ERROR: “Value is not a valid integer, related to the request_id.

    What I’ve tried:

    - I’ve even converted the variable (taskID) with the number formula to make sure is an integer in Toddle before sending it to Xano.

    - I’ve ensured that the request_id field in Xano is set to integer.

    Do hyou have any suggestion ?

    Thanks in advance for any help or insights!

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