Help forum

  • speedy.lizard


    2 months ago

    Session authentication not saving in cookies
    My workflow: I'm leveraging basic authentication with Xano as my backend, having users login with email & password, then setting session cookies to the access token, and calling another API to get user information based on the authenticated user's token.

    The problem: Everything was working properly until I migrated the 'Get User' API to the new UI, and now my bearer tokens don't seem to be saving (I'm unable to authenticate the user on the new page I redirect to). I can still see the access token saving when I call the login API (see screenshot), and I've downloaded the browser extension.

    Any tips on troubleshooting? Thank you!!
  • Joce Nunes


    2 months ago

    Error in Workflow within Component
    I have a workflow with three conditions:

    Condition 1: This is evaluated as true, displaying the "Senha Empty" message, which is correct.
    Condition 2: This is evaluated as false, which is also correct.
    Condition 3: Although this condition evaluates as false, the workflow still proceeds, showing the "Redirecionando" message, which shouldn't happen (as shown in Image 2).
    Is this a bug, or could there be an error in my logic?
  • Yaniv Tsoref


    2 months ago

    Api's don't work, is it just me?
    It keeps loading forever but no response, tried to create a new project to test the api and still no response.
  • Jerry


    2 months ago

    Streaming Issue
    Hey! I'm trying to set up streaming but it's not working. I'm not sure if this is a problem from my backend set up (via Xano) or Toddle.

    I receive the first message instantly, and then the rest of the stream will load at once. It does come in different events.

    I've used event stream + turned off server side fetching
  • Chris Laupama


    2 months ago

    Is there a way to stop an API call run while it's running?
  • Leo


    2 months ago

    Images Not Showing on Custom Domain – Need Help!
    Hey everyone! I recently purchased a Toddle subscription and added my own domain, but for some reason, none of my images are showing up on my domain they only seem to work on the subdomain. Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it?
  • Hausia


    2 months ago

    How do I use data from an API call as inputs for an Apex Graph, like in the dashy template?
  • Tom Ireland


    2 months ago

    Parse JSON newline character in textarea
  • asad


    2 months ago

    how do i select input text when clicked like this
    like this
  • Targox


    2 months ago

    Custom Tracking Script that customer can embed themselves - Lead tracking tool
    Hi everyone! I would like to build a platform where a new user gets an auto-generated tracking script that they can add themselves to the header of their websites. The goal is to capture data and send this information to my backend API.

    Would it be possible to create a custom JavaScript snippet that can dynamically add a unique tracking ID for each user and be embedded in different websites with Toddle?
    Basically I'm looking to create an alternative to snitcher, leadfeeder,... for a not yet covered local area with my own unique database with IP's.

    Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
  • benjabievres


    2 months ago

    Filter an array when a field CONTAINS a value
    I've been testing a filter on the name of items in an array, but I didn't find any "contains" formula.
    So I ended up using Match and checking if the lenght of the resulting string is not 0, but it's complex 😅

    Is there any simpler way to do it?
  • sachag


    2 months ago

    How to run an additional API call for each response of an original call?
  • vanishklift


    2 months ago

    Media Folders
    Is it Possible to add Folders to the Media "Section" ?
  • Tom Ireland


    2 months ago

    Best practice on creating a unique alphanumeric id
    I'm looking to create a unique ID to use in a URL but don't want to use UUID. A bit like how toddle creates a unique id for nodes and classes.

    I usually create them by generating a random number in a formula, multiplying it by 100000 and then round it, which usually produces a 6 digit unique ID.

    My thinking is just to convert the number output to a string and then encode it as base64.

    Would that work? Anything I should be mindful of and is there a better way?
  • vanishklift


    2 months ago

    ScrollBar X-Axis

Stop scrolling. Start building.

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