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  • Karthick_pk


    1 month ago

    Status Button, how to!
    I want my button to change the status of an existing column in supabase. On click of a button it should change the Pending to In Progress and to Completed. How to achieve this in toddle and supabase?
  • Matt


    1 month ago

    How to correctly use append
    Hi guys,

    I recently asked a very similar question about getting some help duplicating a habit component on button click. I'm still struggling. So far I have set up a habit variable which is currently an empty array, and have tried to set up append in the click event, but am struggling to configure it correctly. Is there any resources that go through this process in detail or something similar for complete beginners ? I'd eventually like to make this a user facing web component that has a state based on a userID or something similar so each end user can track their own progress.
  • mossi


    1 month ago

    Dynamically changing order of elements in a component from a page
    I have a component with 5 input fields arranged in a column with input 1 on top and input 2, 3, 4 and 5 below it. I use this component in a page. Is there a way to change the order of these elements on the page dynamically. That is, based on a variable or triger on the page change the order to input 5 be on top and rest below it.
  • Tom Ireland


    1 month ago

    Approaching dialog design and reusability
    This might seem a bit like a noob question but I'm trying to figure out a good approach to developing a dialog component that encapsulates the show/hide functionality without having to utilise page variables to set state e.g. dialog shown/hidden. The idea being that I can reuse this component in various places without any prerequisite configuration on the page and just configure the component accordingly.

    I developed something last year but it still requires capturing the state on the page and I'm thinking there must be a way to do this in the context of a component, particularly if you have multiple dialogs that need to be shown depending on the action taken.

    I tried to reverse engineer a couple of examples I've seen e.g. Andreas' color-picker panel, Max's dialog example for Spark, etc., but not having much luck. I just can't seem to figure this problem out.

    I could use the Popover API but that's not really the best for a dialog where some kind of input is required (better for tooltips, etc.) and it also means that the page is not inert either, so you can still interact with elements behind the dialog.

    I could also forego the dialog and opt for a separate page for CRUD operations but some are simple e.g. one field to input, so better suited to a dialog for UX instead of loading a new page.
  • Sam B


    1 month ago

    Create/Edit form flow
    I have multiple pages which can take the create flow or the edit flow depending on the user action. Here is what I do:

    1. I set a variable called "mode" to session storage. It may take a value "create" or "edit" depending on which button was clicked.
    2. In the first form page, there are 2 fields, say "name" and "description". It needs to be populated from database if it's an edit flow or it'll be blank if it's create flow
    3. To handle this, I have 2 formulae, 1 for name, 1 for description
    4. I call them populateName and populateDescription. I use DefaultTo and use a GET API's response against 0 and leave it blank for 1. Meaning, if the API responds with a value, that'll be populated, else it will be blank
    5. If the user wants, he/she can change the existing value and click on Submit
    6. I have two variables "name" and "description". On change event of the textbox, I set to these variables.
    7. On Form submit, I check the mode and branch out to POST or PUT flow
    8. It branches out perfectly. In the PUT API, in the Body section, I set an object with name and description as keys and set the values (as set in Step 6)
    9. When I submit the form, it invokes the PUT request, the problem I face is, it does not send the updated value in Name and Description textboxes, it sends the populated value.
    10. I'm not binding the variables to the text boxes, since I have different flows which is why I do Step 6 explicitly

    What am I missing? Can someone help please?
  • nathandh


    1 month ago

    circular div glyph
    What does it mean when you see this circular glyph? Cloned a project and never seen this before
  • Tobassum Munir


    1 month ago

    can i use auto css in toddle?
    can i use auto css in toddle?
  • Iamasuperuser


    1 month ago

    Date functions
    Hi! I've discovered the NOW formula to get todays date. But is it possible to say something like "Now minus 7 days"?
    The AI bot says to use the AddDays -7 function, but that seems to be a hallucination, as AddDays doesn't exist. Neither does Offset or any other date manipulation formula. Would anyone know how I can add and remove dates from a date in order to show that variable in a Date Input field.
  • unicodes


    1 month ago

    Style Scroll Bar Width or Library?
    Is there a library for a better scroll bar? The default one is impossible to style the width (width is height 😦 ), I want it small of maximum 50px.
  • asad


    1 month ago

    can anyone help me with filtering with tags
  • IsaacT


    1 month ago

    Yes, another novice who is learning.
    I have proposed to migrate an entire project I have with Xano, Webflow and OpenAI, replacing Webflow with Toddle. I hace made a lot advances in the backed

    I have to build from scratch some elements that I have in Webflow and that ridiculously I have no idea where to start.

    I've seen several videos, but none of the elements I need, starting with the simplest one. A navigation bar that has a dropdown.

    Some guidance
  • Neville


    1 month ago

    Default font
    I need some help understanding how fonts, inheritance etc works.
    What I would like to do: set the font once and have it show up everywhere.
    What I hoped would happen: set the font on the root div and have it show up everywhere
    What I think I have to do: set font:inherit in every element of the tree
    What I think I can also do: put custom CSS in the head of each page to force the font

    From browsing around here I believe a default font is somewhere on the roadmap. In the meantime, do I understand this correctly, and what options do I have?

    Thanks for any help!
  • J.A.J


    1 month ago

    Double clicking on the default "try now!" project's components results in empty page?
    is this normal?
  • unicodes


    1 month ago

    Workflows, parameters isn't working.
    I have this workflow for "showing and hiding error messages."
    I'm passing a message (e.g., a login error) as input, but the parameter is null (the showing and hiding functionality is working fine).

    Could there be an issue with the parameters, or am I missing something?
  • nathandh


    1 month ago

    Component naming
    What toddle calls component “attributes, other typical web tech (like React generally or Webflow specifically) calls “properties. When I see “attributes, I think data-attributes every time, which is not the same thing.

    Why the difference in naming convention?

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