Help forum

  • Alex


    1 month ago

    Filtering Listings on Click Events with IDs
    Hey Team Need some help filtering a list based on a set variable storing an ID that can be referenced in the repeated lsit I want to filter.

    I've got it working, but if the filter I click does not have any items in the list, it's just an empty list. How can I show a dynamic card "no items" or maybe disable the filter button?
  • Alex


    1 month ago

    Nested Lists from Supabase in Toddle
    Hey Toddlers! I need help with something that is probably very straight forward and something in my Webflow / Airtable brain that would call these "Referenced Items/records" or "Nested Items".

    I want to essentially show this grid of case studies and have a display photo and name of the studio/artist that uploaded them. How can I pull in the referenced owner and their info and place inside the list of case studies?

    see the example of my webflow marketplace with the logos inside the collection items from a referenced list.

    Make sense?
  • Laetitia | Pinshasa


    1 month ago

    How to get, in Toddle, the equivalent of filterByKey(BigArray, 'name',map(SmallArray,'value'))
    I'm trying to get a subset of a list of products, Toddle AI tells me to use filter and match and map, but I can't figure out how to properly use all three (in particular: where to insert "Matches")

    In the image,
    - BigArray = Products,
    - SmallArray = Product
    - the node Size is just to check the output (the array should be of 4 items, but I still get 290 as output - so nothing is filter)

    (PS : I tried before with includes, etc. but as my database doesn't provide a common id for each item of the SmallerArray, it can't work with a simple Includes here)
  • Lucvs


    1 month ago

    Responsive design issues
    Hey guys,

    I'm currently trying to make my web app fully responsive, and while doing that I've come accross a challenge that is probably very simple to solve, but for some reason I can't figure it out.

    When I try and set flex wrap for a div that has 2 divs inside, that are supposed to be on a straight line on desktop, and then wrap when viewed on mobile, it instantly wraps while on desktop.

    What could I be doing wrong here?

    All widths are defined in % apart from the main container of the component.
  • Alex


    1 month ago

    Get Element ID on Click?
    I have a form modal that pops up when I click these buttons inside a repeat list.

    How Can I populate the variables in my form with this elements data?

    Because I want to then create an UPDATE flow to submit the form changes to Supabase and PUT an update...
  • ssssadsadasd


    1 month ago

    Page attribute?
    In the dashy template -> nav-button -> a -> click-event there is this "page" attribute, however when I search for page there are no results. where can this attribute be found?
  • ssssadsadasd


    1 month ago

    Question on slots
    In the "dashy" template we have the "x" icon which is shown when the sidebar is full screen opened. That icon is a slot.
    The slot has only a name. Where can I control the behavior of this slot e.g. whent it is show/hidden, the icon used etc.? thanks
  • Alex


    1 month ago

    Supabase File Upload Reset
    Do I have to reset my 'FILE' variable in between multiple uploads using the same form after completion?

    If I use the form once, file goes to storage and the new 'case study' record is created... But If I do it a second time, the image doesn't get attached to the new record in supabase and my 'FILE' variable shows as NULL...

    Do I need to do some sort of reset on the input field or the variable?
  • torinson99


    1 month ago

    Toddle adds 'data' tag into hierarchy when parsing Directus API JSON
    Greetings. In a browser, a list of Articles from Directus API shows in the JSON hierarchy as: data < 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. but when I connect to this Directus API with Toddle, the list of articles shows up in the hierarchy within the Toddle API window as: data < data < 0,1,2,3,etc..

    So when I try to display these articles in a Snippet<Card with 'repeat' option, although the cards themselves repeat, the content within the cards (for example 'heading = article title') does not repeat.

    How can I get rid of this extra 'data' tag from the JSON API data hierarchy within Toddle, because it seems Directus' API is correct. Thanks in advance.
  • Vizualinx


    1 month ago

    I broke toddle 🫣 (looks like i won the bad ui challange..)
    This happened when i did the logic as seen in the screenshot. What have i done so bad??
  • Chris Laupama


    1 month ago

    Checking if query params are set or not
    I am trying to check if they my id param has a value or not.

    So far I'm using "equals" and "not equals" to null. That works fine when live, but within the designer it will only equal true if the equals is an empty string.

    I don't want to send a null value as a param, so what's the best way to do this? - shouldn't the absence of a param = null?

    eg in production: - this !=null TRUE - this = null TRUE

    that behaviour should work in the designer too tho otherwise it makes designing a bit of a pain as in the designer it works like this: - this !=null FALSE - this = null FALSE - this !="" TRUE - this = "" TRUE
  • Chris Laupama


    1 month ago

    Can packages be used in exported web components?
    I keep getting errors in my exported web-component that it couldn't find package components?

    I'm using @Andreas Møller markdown block within a web-component and it's just not working.
  • Leo


    1 month ago

    How Can I Dynamically Change the Color of Text Enclosed in Asterisks in Toddle?
    I'm working with a block of text that's rendered from an API. Within this text, certain portions are enclosed between asterisks (...). I want to make only the text between these asterisks appear in blue, while keeping the rest of the text in its default color.

    Since I cannot manually wrap or modify individual parts of the text due to its structure and the way it's received from the API, how can I dynamically style just the portions between the asterisks to be blue in Toddle?
  • Lucvs


    1 month ago

    Creating a curve through div points on a graph
    Hey guys,

    I have a bit of an unusual issue with my toddle project. I've created a graph where I'll have 7 dots where the positioning is set to style variables that will come from my db, this functionality is working as intended, but I would like to create a curve that runs through these 7 dots.

    So far I've tried to make a custom action where I import my 7 point variables and create a SVG bezier curve that should run through thoose 7 points and then set that as innerHTML of the div, but for some reason it seems like it can't find the div?

    I've tried doing it both inside and outside of a component.

    Does anyone have an idea where I may be going wrong, or another (easier) solution to this?
  • Miles


    1 month ago

    Confetti Origin
    How do I get the confetti to shoot from the the location of the mouse click. I'm currently stuck here while trying to set the origin 🙂


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