Help forum

  • 0xJam3s


    1 month ago

    HTTP Cookie Bug
    Hey guys, it seems my bearer token is saving but when I get the HTTP cookie it doesn't get pass the value to the my following api calls. It was working earlier. Any ideas, why this might be?
  • ssssadsadasd


    1 month ago

    Space between
    In bubble (and in css from what i see) there is an option called "space-between" which basically moves div A to the left and div b to the right of the parent row div (see pic). how can I do this in toddle? I tried the different optins in the 3x3 grid but could not find a working combination. thanks
  • ssssadsadasd


    1 month ago

    Max width for page?
    I want my page to not exceed 1200px and be located at the center. so in the main div of the page I set: max width = 1200 px and layout = align top center. but the div still remain at the left. how could I solve this? thanks
  • codenitrr


    1 month ago

    API URL changes automatically
    Hello. I'm having some problems sending a REST API request. In terms of authentication, the API works as follows: GET URL: https://{api_key}:{api_secret}@{cluster_url}/{shop_language}/{resource}.json

    If I enter these values and put them in toddle's URL box. Then it automatically removes the values before @.

    So example (fake data) with this request:

    the request is eventually made to

    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug. I also tried encoding the url, but this too was unsuccessful. I suspect it has something to do with the @ sign for
  • Danny


    1 month ago

    200 API response, but data appearing under error rather than data
    Hi there! Hoping someone might be able to help me out. Running into a super weird issue where I have a Xano API endpoint that works fine and returns a 200 response along with some data, but that data is showing in Toddle under error rather than data.

    Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas? Everything in Xano looks normal.
  • Vizualinx


    1 month ago

    Branch Syncing
    Up until now i have only been using branching for versioning, i never figured it out but now i have to figure it out.

    I am in middle of building a new feature for my app, and i had to fix some stuff on the live version, i created a new branch made the fixes and published it, i didn't touch anything that i changed in the other branch. but now when i went back to the other branch i can't sync it with the live version (see screenshot).
    I had the same when i tried doing this in the past, that's why i have only used branching up until now for versioning only.
  • ssssadsadasd


    1 month ago

    Chat template?
    Just wanted to know whether there is any chat template (whatsapp like) that we can quickly copy-paste in our app. I could build this myself but just to make sure there is sth already built.
  • Alex


    1 month ago

    Images not Loading from provided URLs
    Hey - anyone able to assist?

    I sue this same process on all my toddle projects but for some reason can't load images in repeat lists in this new project?
  • Vizualinx


    1 month ago

    Pass data through attributes or URL parameters?
    In my app i have a lot of modal popups (like contact details, donation details, transaction details etc).

    What would be the best way to pass data?

    I can think of 3 ways:

    On click of a row,
    1: I can pass the whole row to the popup via attributes.

    2: only pass the row id through attributes and make a new APl call inside the modal.

    3: pass the row id through URL parameters and create the APl call in the modal. What is the best way to do it?
  • ssssadsadasd


    1 month ago

    Parent width question
    I have a ul with max width = 600px. I set the li inside it as width = max_width = 100%; same for the div inside this li. Now this div is a row with two elements: an image and another div. This last div goes beyond the parent so I set max_width = 100%, but this does not solve the problem in this case since 100% is considered as the whole parent div and not 100% - image_width.
    What should I do to make sure tha this last div does not go beyond the width of the parent? thanks
  • Usama


    1 month ago

    Embed Component Not Calling Proper URL other than (Weather API by toddle)
    I've created a simple component and embed it inside webflow and it's not calling the right url when it's embedded .
    somehow the toddle own weather api url is working fine , but any other external api call are not targeting the right url.

    maybe it's a bug or i'm doing something wrong... Kindly help me

    you can see the screenshot to understand more

    I'm calling this API :
    website url :
    toddle url :
  • Mr.R


    1 month ago

    NULL on query parameter request
    Following the swagger from the api documentation gives me NULL result when adding the query parameter field. lso doen't work to filter out certain data for example "Work hours" etc.

    Public api endpoint:
  • Kittiphum


    1 month ago

    Bug with conditionals
    Hi there,

    I have the shown formula in toddle which should check if an item is included in an array. Altough the conditon is true it returns false and i checked multiple times in the database it should be true and not false.
  • Alex


    1 month ago

    How do I add head and body scripts? Google Tag and Analytics
    Anyone completed a google tag manager set up in toddle?
  • Chris Laupama


    1 month ago

    Web component not auto fetching
    I had my web component working fine recent, now it's just stopped working.

    I have it taking an argument, using that to auto fetch and populate the web-component, but I keep getting errors.

    It's making a GET request to:

    /assistant/{assistant_id} ( this is using an input on the API request to populate )

    However it only seems to be making a request to:


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