Web component not auto fetching
I had my web component working fine recent , now it 's just stopped working . I have it taking an argument , using that to auto fetch and populate the web -component , but I keep getting errors . It 's making a GET request to : /assistant / {assistant _id } ( this is using an input on the API request to populate ) However it only seems to be making a request to : /assistant / Walking through it Hmm , I cannot recreate the issue . It works for me , but please send additional info . This is my test -case : https://toddle.dev/projects/chocolate_ayla_secura_absolute_tarantula/branches/start/components/test-component?leftpanel=design&canvas-width=800&canvas-height=800&rightpanel=attributes&selection=apis.WOW%2520API.path.Qa_yyo.formula Web component preview : https://start-chocolate_ayla_secura_absolute_tarantula.toddle.site/.toddle/preview-component/test-component?start=3&end=7