Some questions on default text properties
1 . I simply add a new text element to the page . how is the default text size and color determined ? initially it seems to be 16px =1rem and black . 2 . can I change the default properties of the text ? or the default is : you select the properties in parent div and then select inherit in its children ? 3 . In "Themes " we have only a "Sans " default font family , while when we want to select in a text is has "Inherit " and "Inter " . I dont understand this . thanks That 's standard across all browsers toddle though does have a reset stylesheet which applies some defaults The defaults are based on your theme settings The font -size variable of base font size Which is still 1rem You can add more fonts in your theme settings Base font size is always 1rem /16px unless you specify otherwise You can do so by applying it to the element itself or any parent element as font properties are inherited by default