Parent width question
I have a ul with max width = 600px . I set the li inside it as width = max _width = 100 % ; same for the div inside this li . Now this div is a row with two elements : an image and another div . This last div goes beyond the parent so I set max _width = 100 % , but this does not solve the problem in this case since 100 % is considered as the whole parent div and not 100 % - image _width . What should I do to make sure tha this last div does not go beyond the width of the parent ? thanks Yup flex : 1 100 % is a direct size declaration that sets the dimension to exactly 100 % of the parent container 's corresponding dimension , regardless of layout context . f l e x :1 tells an element to grow and share available space proportionally with other flex items , making it responsive to the container 's size changes . π1@ssssadsadasd here 's an interactive guide on that : π1