Hello, I would like to build a webapp that contains a common containing div (with a header, a footer with icons that let me switch between pages). Each page would be displayed in the main area (between the header and footer), and pages could share common variables.
For this, I think of 3 options, but I don't know which is best:
1- create a very big and unique page with a lot of nested "divs" that I show/hide according to the icon user clicks in the footer
2- create a big and unique page, but use Toddle Components so that each "sub-page" can be designed separately (in that case, I would share common variable through component inputs)
3- create separate pages, and have one Main page with an iFrame that loads the other pages according to the icons in the footer the user clicks
According to you, what would be the best way to make the webapp easier to build and maintain? Do you have any other suggestion? Are there official best practices?