How to correctly use append
Hi guys , I recently asked a very similar question about getting some help duplicating a habit component on button click . I 'm still struggling . So far I have set up a habit variable which is currently an empty array , and have tried to set up append in the click event , but am struggling to configure it correctly . Is there any resources that go through this process in detail or something similar for complete beginners ? I 'd eventually like to make this a user facing web component that has a state based on a userID or something similar so each end user can track their own progress . The array input takes an array The item input takes in what item you want to add to the end of that array So for example for the array input you could give it : [1 ,2 ,3 ] Then for the item input give it an item to append to the end of the array like : 4 Then the output would be [1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ]