Embed Component Not Calling Proper URL other than (Weather API by toddle)
I 've created a simple component and embed it inside webflow and it 's not calling the right url when it 's embedded . somehow the toddle own weather api url is working fine , but any other external api call are not targeting the right url . maybe it 's a bug or i 'm doing something wrong . . . Kindly help me you can see the screenshot to understand more I 'm calling this API : https://dummyjson.com/docs/products/1 website url : https://lumos-test-020bc5.webflow.io/test toddle url : https://toddle.dev/projects/bronze_bib_fortuna_northern_orangutan/branches/test/components/Weather%20Widget?leftpanel=design&canvas-width=800&canvas-height=800&rightpanel=style