Dark theme, components, authentication and passing data inconsistencies

  • mesmoiron-1330209192039940168


    21 days ago


    After watching the tutorial I am cleaning up my app layout. Here is the thing

    - in my preview the pages are in dark mode.
    - in live mode only the first authenticated page works flawlessly
    - the other pages are dark and all data is passed
    - in life mode, components lose the dark mode and the current user data isn't passed down
    - after publishing a branch, I need to login again in order to proceed working. Then the above problems repeats.

    Search bar:
    - in the component the name is passed by the context and is shown
    - it is shown in the preview
    - in the life version the name is null

    I put the attributes back in for now. It is easy and understandable. Later I will make a table with the flow of data and which options are accepted while testing out the troubles. I think that static data vs dynamic data is confusing. Because then it seems like it is working while it is not and I have probably made some mistakes here.

    I totally got lost in the data. I am not building a one page app, but an app with multiple pages.
  • mesmoiron-1330251670478913597


    21 days ago

    I did all the steps again, until I got stuck, because it's like editing the component, that's not the same component. A component with multiple personalities. 🤣

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