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  • uunicode-1341496687063203841



    2 hours ago

    how to reload component info from Attributes?
    I have two components at the same level (like Cities and Countries). I need to refresh the Cities content based on the selected Country. Cities and Countries are two separate components with external variables (passing information using Attributes and Events to facilitate usage across different pages).

    Even when selecting a new Country and deleting the selectedCity variable content, the visible value doesn't change. Even though I have set "On Attribute Change" inside the component to pass the value from the Attribute to the internal variable again, it still doesn't update. However, if I hide and show the component, it works; otherwise, it doesn’t.

    I'm more than 100% sure that the value is deleted as expected, but I can't understand why it isn't taking the new value from the input again.
  • benajaephrath-1341331295141236746



    13 hours ago

    Different Supabase Instance

    I am new and currently setting up my local environment. How do you guys handle different projects in the local environment and Supabase? Do you create a separate Supabase instance for each project, or is there another recommended approach?
  • jerome_13677-1341147595778687047



    1 day ago

    Day 2: itunes search tool URL acting weird
    Sorry if this is a silly question but this URL is not giving the same output as it shows in the tutorial.

    Not sure how to drill into this data when it does as shown in the screenshot.
  • tristanbh-1341110452478017566



    1 day ago

    show more toggle on a repeat section
    Hi all, I have a grid of repeating cards and would like each card to have a toggle to expand the info on each. I have the button working but it show/hides the info on all cards not just the card button thats clicked. I have a repeat key set up on the parent section already, do I need something similar for the div I am trying to show/hide? This is my first project in toddle, I've got a lot to learn but I have been very impressed with it so far.
  • elli4931-1341071503202058261



    1 day ago

    Main Class on page/component
    I have components that a lot of elements need the same class (condition).
    Is there a way I can just create a class once and not have to redo it for each element?

    (I know I can create one formula she reuse it for every class, but i will still have to create a class for every element)
  • klevelandbishop-1340964484017291346

    Kleveland Bishop


    1 day ago

    copy/paste component not working
    could be me but im not able to paste any components into my project. regular elements work fine. any help? thanks!
  • alexsiale_17363-1340920513039564831



    1 day ago

    Session timeout setting
    Hey everyone, I’m using Supabase for Auth and my customers are experiencing a session timeout where they are being logged out but still able to use the front end, which causes them to not be able to create new updates etc because they’re not authenticated.

    How can I set the session to 24 hours or just unlimited?
  • amieldylan-1340904698760400958

    Amiel Dylan


    1 day ago

    Accent Removal
    Hello toddle community.
    I would like to design a function that does the following: removeAccents = (str) => {
    return str
    .replace(/[àáâãäå]/g, 'a')
    .replace(/[èéêë]/g, 'e')
    .replace(/[ìíîï]/g, 'i')
    .replace(/[òóôõö]/g, 'o')
    .replace(/[ùúûü]/g, 'u')
    .replace(/[ýÿ]/g, 'y')
    .replace(/[ñ]/g, 'n')
    .replace(/[ç]/g, 'c');
    But this is impossible without the use of several nested “ReplaceAll. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!
  • dfeinberg5-1340740163055259759



    2 days ago

    Is there a way to check out a previous version without rolling back?
    I'd like to understand some of the changes I made from a previous version (2 versions ago), but I don't want to permanently roll back and lose the changes in the past two versions. Is that possible?
  • elli4931-1340727713618722917



    2 days ago

    Retrieve row id from supabase
    i'm trying to get back the id of a row when creating it by using return representation, for some reason i can't see the response (i'm trying to save it to a variable and show it in the text element). when i am doing auto fetch i am able to get the response but of course that is hammering supabase.
    it looks like the api is reloading after sending the data to supabase and setting the variable to null.
  • christiaan-1340687845978931272



    2 days ago

    Developer seat for admin/billing user
    I have a developer I'd like to work on projects. I only want to log in to add billing info and check on payments later. Does this mean I need 2 developer seats? I didn't find any other way to get 2 accounts invited into an organization.
  • christiaan-1340447514305892435



    3 days ago

    How do I use 100vh on an element when I'm developing?
    If I stretch the viewport to auto-fit and set an element to 100vh then it takes up the entire viewport and everything below it is pushed to the bottom. If I change the viewport to something reasonable like 1920x1080 then viewport is a rectangle that only show the top but nothing below it.

    How do I do this exactly?
  • luca.heck-1340388665867636809

    Luca Heck


    3 days ago

    How can I apply a hover effect to multiple elements in a card in Toddle?
    Hello everyone,
    I would like to create a card in Toddle in which several elements within the card receive their own hover effect when hovering over the entire card.
    For example, an image should enlarge and the text should change color when the card is hovered.
    Is it possible to implement this nativ in Toddle? If so, how?

    Thank you very much!
  • christiaan-1340329279837311057



    3 days ago

    Change theme variables based on viewport size
    I'm working on a responsve design. My headings all use REM but they are too big on small phones. I'd like to change them based on the viewport size (media query) . Is that possible?

    Is the only way to currently do it by adding a custom media query Style on each heading element?
  • ssssadsadasd-1340296562990911498



    3 days ago

    popover api... dropdown that automatically updates to parent's width/position and page width
    I am not sure I understand this article on popover api [here](
    it starts with the dropdown explanation (which is my objective). however, the youtube video only implements it such that the dropdown is shown only relative to the page. and the comment in the youtube video mentions that "the W3C is currently working on a spec for anchor positioning, where it will be possible to position the popover realtive to an other element on screen" which I guess means that this is not supposed for dropodowns yet???

    another point is that it would be very helpful if in future videos you also have a link to the implementation explained.

    finally: what is the best way to build a dropdown that automatically updated to parent's width/position and page width?


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