Help forum

  • charlie_84787-1353761749643300976



    1hour ago

    Token expiring instantly but works on page load?
    I keep getting an error that my token has expired but it doesn't really make sense - I hide and show a button depending on whether the user is logged in which happens on page load. Then when I click to create an item (maybe 15 seconds later) it is showing the error "This token is expired" (I'm using Xano for the authentication). When I reload the page its completely fine and the current token works but the moment I try and get any authenticated endpoints after this it comes up with that error. Any ideas on what is causing this??
  • .kittiphum-1353722707669422111



    4 hours ago

    Multi File Upload
    I am trying to upload multiple files to Xano. Therefore I have a multi file upload field but when i send the api request i get no data returned
  • lunar_rei-1353459295504695417



    21 hours ago

    Reveal Buttons on Card hover?
    Hello Toddle community o/
    I'm trying to change the CSS styles of child elements based on the parent element.

    For example, I have a list of blog post cards that contain buttons with opacity set to 0.
    When a user hovers over a single card, the buttons should become visible (opacity: 1).

    The Toddle Styles Panel includes a CSS field at the bottom.
    After applying the necessary classes to parent & child elements I attempted to add the CSS below.

    .blog-card:hover .show-button {
    opacity: 1

    Sadly, this did not work. I would appreciate any help the community could offer as I'm still quite new to Toddle.
  • dfeinberg5-1353427533286211715



    23 hours ago

    Can custom actions call other custom actions?
    Wondering if custom actions can call each other. Using the workflows to call other custom actions is getting a little messy at times.
  • benjamin.h-1353045504153620584

    Ben H


    2 days ago

    How are you guys refreshing the user's access_token for infinite sessions? (Supabase auth)
    I'm not using the Supabase SDK on the frontend, so it seems like I need to call supabase.auth.refreshSession() from an edge function? Is this how you guys are doing it?

    It also seems like I can only get the expiration date for the current access_token on the backend (??), so does this mean that I have to call this edge function every time the user loads the dashboard or something? Or I guess I can save the expiration date in local storage and only call it when necessary?
  • sanedealer-1352913670203510814

    Edwin Paul


    2 days ago

    Install packages without launching?
    I was gonna launch a package to test it out until i saw this callout. I couldn't find this package in my other projects(same org). How does it work?
  • s.lucian0777-1352758670697566279



    2 days ago

    How could I make a Xano and Shopify e-commerce store for my clothing brand on Xano
    How could I make a Xano and Shopify e-commerce store for my clothing brand on Xano I’m fairly new to APIs and haven’t learned a lot about Xano I have fair experience with Toddle just not anything that involves the backend yet if you guys had any suggestions I would appreciate it a lot as for it’s my personal brand I’m trying to make this for
  • uunicode-1352741424000405656



    2 days ago

    How to load images faster in the app?
    What trick do you use for loading images faster, storing for preventing recall on page refresh.

    I'm not using lazy loading.
  • martinf4630-1351986032597274715



    4 days ago

    Calling auto-fetch APIs after one other has returned an access_token
    I’m building some logic around Supabase auth and have an edge function I call during SSR that returns an access_token in a http-only cookie from the refreshtokeb I’ve sent The issue I have is that other auto fetch APIs need the access token for auth Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t as not sure how to set any order of operation. What’s the Toddle way to deal with this? I have APIs in different components that need to know when to go
  • benjamin.h-1351936343877615757

    Ben H


    5 days ago

    Api redirects and content flashes
    Just wanted clarification on how server side fetching works in combination with redirect rules. I set up a redirect rule so that if a user is already logged in, it redirects them to the dashboard. The redirect works, but the content of the page flashes before the redirect. I thought that since I have server-side fetching enabled, it would redirect before loading anything?
  • building_stuff-1351926592468680817



    5 days ago

    Custom claims and supabase update: restricting access to auth
    Supabase today shared an update whereby "...certain SQL actions you can perform in your database’s auth, storage, and realtime schemas." will be restricted from April 21st onwards.

    I am using custom claims in my app which rely on permissions and it seems like that this permission is affected by it: generate_jwt_with_claims

    @Lucas G Are you still using the custom claims implementation you've shared several months ago? Do you have any tips how to migrate by any chance?
  • fss21.-1351902560335954000



    5 days ago

    Moving into Toddle from weweb for SPEED is a right decision? Would love to ask for your experience
    Hi guys, I am building marketplace website with weweb + xano but the performance is not great...
    it is not stable first of all (sometimes we encounter that page is not displayed correctly etc) and also the speed is not great...
    We have thousands of landing pages and the speed is very critical for us.
    I heard Toddle has SSR so I expect we can get faster with Toddle but I am not sure about the tool so would love to hear your opinions on this. Thanks a lot in advance
  • renske.renske-1351826386549080124



    5 days ago

    Is there any way to roll back changes that were not published? I cannot go back in the editor but I just removed basically all of my changes by a wrong copy/paste.
  • nathandh.-1351793314659041341



    5 days ago

    Embedding components in Webflow
    For components exported as web components and embedded in a Webflow site, is there any way to use Webflow's native styling for basic layout? Thinking I'd like to leave the component in toddle full width (or 100%) and then have it respect the container it's in on the Webflow site. So let's say you have a 50% wide div in Webflow, and drop your toddle embed in that div and have it render 50% of the width
  • fe_rojas-1351624076820484136



    5 days ago

    Challenge with working with select component from spark
    Hey everyone!

    I'm struggling with the Spark One Kit's select component. I'm trying to make it expand to the full width of its parent container, but for some reason, it's not working as expected.

    What I'm trying to do:

    Make a Spark select component expand to 100% width of its parent container
    What I've tried:

    Setting width to 100% to inside components and different configurations.
    Applying flex-grow properties
    Adjusting the parent container's settings
    Surely Im missing something hete. Has anyone else run into this issue? Any suggestions on how to make it properly expand to fill the available space?

    Thanks in advance for your help! 🙏

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