Edit your application
Your application can be seen in the center. Currently, it consists of a single page with the title "Template" and a single paragraph.
Selecting elements
You can select the title by clicking the word Template in the canvas.
You will see a blue line around the selected element and the name of the element you have chosen.
toddle follows the HTML standards. That is why the "title" element here is named h1, short for heading 1
Editing elements
Editing elements
The element panel is on the right side of the screen. This lets you edit the different properties of the selected element.
The Style tab lets you change the element's style and layout.
โ The Attributes tab lets you set different HTML attributes for each element.
โ The Events tab lets you define workflows that should be run on different user interactions.
โ Go ahead and try editing the text styles for the h1 element.