Dynamic pages
Path and query parameters
/blog/ What-Happens-When-an-Address-Goes-Into-a-Browser -
/blog/ unleash-the-power-of-edge-computing-for-no-code-developers -
/blog/ why-we-built-toddle
You can set a test value for your path parameter. This is the value that the parameter will have when you are editing your page inside the toddle editor. It does not affect your application in preview mode or when it is live.
toddle will always prioritize static pages over dynamic ones if there are multiple pages that match the current URL. This means that a page with the path /blog/new where new is not set to be a parameter will be rendered instead of our blog post page assuming that the current url matches /blog/new.
Query parameters
Updating parameters
When to use Path over query
When to use URL parameters over variables
Examples of things that should be stored in a URL could be:
Which tab is active inside a tab pane -
Which item in a list is selected? -
Should a "Create / Edit" modal be shown?
The value of an input field -
Should a "Confirm Delete" modal be shown?