Log on to airtable.com and create an account. You can signup for free. Create an Airtable and start to populate it with the data you need.
Step 2: Create a personal access token
Head to https://airtable.com/create/tokens and click on create new token.
Step 2: Add an API in toddle
Open a new tab and head over to your toddle project. (Keep the old tab open as you will need some data from Airtable).
Open your project in toddle and click on the + next to APIs to add a new API.
This opens a dialog where you need to enter your details.
In the first section, you need to type in the name of the endpoint, a URL, and the path.
The name is all up to you. We recommend naming it after your data source rather than the tool to keep track.
The url is: https://api.airtable.com and you can either choose to GET, POST, DELETE, Etc. For now stick with GET to get data from Airtable.
The path is structured needs some data from Airtable. The first part is always /v0, the second part is your baseID and the third part is your tableID. You find these IDs by going to your Airtable and looking at the URL of the project.
Once you have all the values simply fill out the path with the information in the right order and you are ready for the next step.
If there aren't enough fields, simply click add path, and it will add an additional field.
Step 2: Add authentication
You are now ready for the last step. Airtable's access tokens require a Bearer to authorize access. To access your database you need to find your access token.
Head back to the Airtable developer hub to find your token ID. Keep toddle open in another tab. It's listed on the page with the apps you have created. Copy the token ID and head back to toddle.
In the toddle tab you need to add a header to your API request. This header will authorize your access and enable you to pull data directly from your Airtable and render it in toddle.
In the first header you need to insert the name: content-type and the value: application/json
In the second header you need to insert the name: Authorization and the value: Bearer {token ID}. Remember to insert the token ID without brackets and a space between Bearer and the token ID.
You can now GET data from your Airtable and render it in toddle.
To learn more about how you can work with Airtable through their endpoint we highly recommend that you read through their API documentation here.